For four weeks now, full-page ads have been appearing in newspapers around New Hampshire telling citizens they need Seabrook. Today, according to Speaker of the House George Roberts, R-Gilmanton, the House will act on all House bills, including a bill, which would prohibit utilities from charging ratepayers extra money for projects under construction. The ads refer to the under construction Seabrook nuclear power plant. The bill is aimed at stopping a major financing scheme for that project—“CWIP” or Construction Work in Progress.
Photo caption—Placing the Stevens boys tennis team this season is the one-two singles pair and top doubles team of Tim Bush and Billy O’Shea. In this photo, O’Shea prepares to drill a serve over the net in a Friday afternoon match with Keene.
Berkshire Builders of Bedford accounted for more than $1 million of building permits at the office of Building Inspector Clifford Lamere during the month of April. In the urban renewal complex on Lincoln Heights four buildings will be placed on foundations already there. Two buildings will house 28 one-bedroom apartments, and one will contain 24 one-bedroom apartments. The fourth building is a 44 by 40 community building.
Named to the High Honor Roll at Claremont Junior High School were eighth graders Lauren Bielecki, Lynda Butz, Anne Cloutier, Robin Gaudreau, Ouy On, James Reese, Beth Simpson and Cynthia Reitscha and seventh graders James Clarke, Thomas Costa, Cassandra Edson, Christine Head, Charles Hewitt, Sarah Hutcheon, Amy Keane, Mark Lancaster, Patricia Marro, Melody Palmer, Carlene Reed, James Triantafillou, Donald Thompson, Abigail Prever, Joan Hull and Elwin West.
On April 11, Thomas J. Mynczwor became a lieutenant in the Newport Police Department. Chief Floyd S. Potter said the new lieutenant would handle major cases and emergencies in his absence. “I feel Mynczwor’s position will greatly strengthen my hand in administering the department by taking some of the responsibilities off my shoulders. I’ll be able to concentrate on other areas and keep in closer touch with the field,” said Potter.
Cheerleaders for the 1978 football season were selected at tryouts held last week at Newport High School. Veterans returning include Terri Patten, Tammy Thurston, Doireann Hemenway, Shari Partlow, Terri Gagne and Mary Martin. Newcomers who were chosen are Pam and Jodi Kelley, Lori Coronis and Belinda Durgin. Lisa Rowe and Cindy Hemingway will appear as tigers in mascot costumes.
Photo caption—Birds and Fish—Jodi Davidson, a sixth grader, calls the attention of Michael Demeis, a first grader, to a bird mobile, which is part of an exhibition of childen’s art on display at the Library Arts Center. Art for the show was made by the pupils of Patricia Lobzcz, Newport elementary school art teacher.
Susan Hastings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hastings, 150 Maple St., has been accepted at Babizon’s School of Modeling, Boston. She has participated in field hockey and track and field for four years, played basketball her freshman year and has sung in the chorus for four years. She served as junior class marshal last year.
Voted as new members of the Newport-Lake Sunapee Area Jayceettes at the April 18 meeting were Marcia Robinson, Pam Hemingway and Lori Hemingway.
Members of the L.A. Whipple family of Newport are the new owners of Newport’s oldest shoe factory, which was constructed in 1898 on Canal St. United Construction Corp., an operation in which Mr. and Mrs. Whipple and their sons, Rodney and Cary, are associated, and General Auto Sales, Claremont, operated by their son, Allen, purchased the property from the Sugar River Savings Bank for an undisclosed amount of money.
First honors on the third quarter honor roll at Sunapee Junior-Senior High School went to seniors Lynne Becker, Karla Engelstad, Janet Gagnon, Donna Kelly and Elizabeth Kramer; juniors Kent Dickinson, Melody Fadden and Deborah Krajcik; sophomores Anne Collins and Dayle Fitzpatrick, and ninth grader Naomi Carey.
A fire in the laundry room at the Sullivan County House of Corrections Saturday afternoon has reinforced the concern of Claremont Fire Chief William Sullivan over the lack of a sprinkler system in the new jailhouse a the correction facility. Because the fire was the old jailhouse beneath the Sullivan County Home, it was put out by the building’s automatic sprinkler system. “Had that sprinkler head not operated and the fire been contained to that room, it could have easily burned into the rest of the jail,” said Sullivan.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden H. Pillsbury, Pillsbury Road, have returned home after spending two weeks vacationing in Tampa and Lake Worth, Fla. Mrs. Merton Pillsbury Sr., who accompanied them, remained in Lake Worth as a guest of Bertha Diamond.
Charles Emond Jr. recently spent his spring vacation from his studies at Queens College in Jamaica, N.Y., with his parents at their home at 23 Walnut St.
Army Pfc. Edwin F. Amell Jr., whose parents live in Claremont, recently was awarded the Expert Tank Weapons Badge in Germany. The badge is awarded to tankers who demonstrate marked proficiency in firing all tank armament and in maneuvering the tank. Amell was last stationed at Ft. Knox, Ky. He attended Stevens High School.
The Rt. Rev. Charles F. Hall, Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire, made his annual visit to Trinity Episcopal Church, Claremont, last night, and officiated at a confirmation service. Confirmed were Elizabeth Mae Stithen, Janice Melinda Carr, Carla Duffett, Patrick McCusker, Elizabeth McCusker, Gary Edward Thorn, Tyrone William G. Marshall, Bonnie Jo Lasky. Cynthia Karen Messer. Barbara Jane Powers, Beverly M. Batease, Lillian Etta Hutchins, Mrs. Carl Duffett, and Nancy Jane Greenwood.
A Claremont girl is one of 23 University of New Hampshire students who have been elected to membership in Phi Beta Kappa, oldest and best-known honorary society in the United States. She is Sara Jane Tremblay, daughter of Mrs. Sigmund Heller of 41 Franklin St.
Claremonters gave 85 pints of blood at the regular visit of the Red Cross Bloodmobile yesterday. Achieving the four-gallon mark were Aime Rivard, Oscar Dupont, David Dunlap and Alfred Boissonneault; two gallon, Thaddee Tetrerault and Stanley Koalczyk; one gallon, Barbara Dyer and Sara Hawkins.
Photo caption—An apparition disturbs the social life in a little western town and things are hilarious for three acts of the St. Mary High School senior play, “The Happy Haunting Ground.” Here, interrupted by the ghostly Indian chief portrayed by Donald Dubreuil, are, left to right, Susan Henault, Michael Lambert, Lawrence Desbiens, Lucien Arel and Linda Dwyer.
The Newport School Board last night gave its permission for a golf team at Towle High School to be run this year on a trial basis. Athletic Director Robert Underhill will coach the team but will receive no extra salary this spring. The Board approved payment of travel expenses in an amount to be determined by the school administrators.
Eight Towle juniors will participate in the annual Fairbanks Junior Prize Speaking contest at Towle High School tonight. They are Wendell Descoteau, Priscilla Warburton, Brenda Wallace, Paul Dodge, Richard McAllister, John Lord, Elizabeth Hackwell and Lance Kozikowski.
Airman William E. Burdett Jr., Pease Air Force Base, Newington, has been promoted to chief master sergeant. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Burdette Sr., Ashuelot, former residents of Newport. He attended Towle High School. His mother is the former Alice Anderson.
Photo caption—Boy Scouts who were candidates for second class rank were examined at a board of review recently at the Veterans Club. From left, Charles Macdonald, Aaro Reivo and William Tracey, examiners, and William Emerson, Dana Whitney. Walter Perry and David Pitts.
Warren Winter and Robert Kanerva have joined two members of the University of New Hampshire golf team, Alan Kidder, Franklin and John Splaine, Portsmouth, on a golfing trip to Florida. While in Florida, Warren will visit his sister’s family, Lt. and Mrs. Ronald Demijohn and their children in Panama City.
S.J. Crowninshield will reside in his former home for the present and will continue his employment at the Frank L. Boyden estate on Lake Sunapee, New London. His nephew, Russell Stacy, Connecticut, visited him on April 15.
Donna Leslie and Dick Safford were among several chaperones of a fourth-grade class trip (Towle) to see the Shriners circus in Manchester on April 8. Children from Croydon who also attended included Jimmy Aiken, Kevin Archambault, Terry, Sandy and Ann Campbell, John Currier, Tom, Leslie, Tiffany Moore, Scott Palmer, Jode Chris and Cory Safford.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pratt, Lower Village, have returned from a vacation to Pensacola, Fla., While there, Mr. and Mrs. Pratt were reunited with their daughter, Linda Pratt, Seattle, Wash., and sons, First Class Petty Officer Michael Pratt and Chief Douglas Pratt. Both Douglas and Michael Pratt were stationed at the Pensacola Naval Base.
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Simms Jr., Wilmington, Mass., plan a year-round resort on the 85-acre poultry farm on Route 11 recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Carey. Mr. Simms said he plans extensive conversion and remodeling of the present buildings and facilities. He said the resort would operate as a ranch with an authentic Western atmosphere during the summer with an Alpine flavor in winter.
Although he is a native of metropolitan New York, Charlestown High School’s next principal is no stranger to the country. Arthur J. Gude has been in the dairy and poultry farming business for the last 15 years in Langdon. For the last four he has been teaching at Charlestown.
Maurice McClellan is home for spring vacation from the Portland School of fine and Applied Arts. He leaves for New York City on Monday with a group of classmates and several members of the faculty for an Instruction Tour of the leading art museums.
David Doiron completed his basic training in the Air Force at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, and is now attending a technical school at Kessler Air Force Base, Miss.
Caroline Ruggles, Roxanne Dashner and Bernice Collins went to Boston Saturday on a Methodist Youth Fellowship trip.
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