Protect gun free zones — let them sue
Our U.S. Supreme Court recently issued a ruling that Remington Arms Co. was subject to lawsuits in the Sandy Hook for the murders of innocent children. While I was appalled that a mentally disturbed boy killed his mother and others, I am just as appalled that the courts have decided that the manufacturers of the weapons are somehow culpable for the actions of an individual. No mention was made of the persons responsible who rendered the school a safe target for a crazy person.
I have an idea. Lets allow people to sue if they are the victims of a mass shooting in a gun free zone. There may be some debate on how many mass shootings actually occur in gun free zones. It all depends on who is paying for the study. But don’t you have a right to discourage violence on yourself when you enter an advertised gun free zone?
Certainly the owners of the establishment or locations must enforce their decision to keep the area gun free; and if they don’t, shouldn’t they be culpable for any gun violence in the establishment? Are they responsible for the actions of every individual who frequents their establishment?
Some states are considering a ban on gun free zones. According to West Virginia legislator Brandon Steele, legislation is needed to hold no-gun zones accountable in the event of a tragedy.
This is common sense. There are eight pieces of gun legislation in the New Hampshire legislature this term. I’m sure these could each be amended in one way or another. I intend to do just that.
Dave Testerman
Franklin, NH
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