Past Times

Claremont voters to decide what to do with extra Sweeps money



Photo Caption—Second-place finisher in the state, Lisa LeBlane, center, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis LeBlanc, 10 Glenwood Drive, receives congratulations from civics teacher Barry Levine and Stevens Annex Principal William Armstrong, left. Lisa was runner-up in an essay competition conducted by the New Hampshire Council on World Affairs for high school students. Lisa isn’t new to contests, she’s won prizes in a progress fair and in a Vandalism Essay contest, sponsored by Ben’s Market a few years ago.

Even mechanical failure did not negate the positive effects of a solar experiment undertaken by the sixth grade class at North Street School. Under the direction of their teacher, Timothy Luce, the class spent several weeks, stretching into a few months in the construction of a mock solar panel. The panel, made of cardboard, fiberglass insulation and a parcel of black aluminum, included an air pump to push the heated air into an adjoining cardboard box. an experimental model of a home. Unfortunately Luce said, the pump broke after an hour. The class scrambled to hook up another, but not in time to see a dramatic change in temperature that the class expected.

Photo Caption—Eagle-Times carriers were presented with monetary awards Saturday for their efforts of salesmanship during the recent magazine campaign. The top salesman-carrier award went to Charles Robinson Jr., Claremont. He received a check for $400. The awards were presented by Eagle Times Business Manager Jack Merrill; Paul Plona, circulation manager, and Sharon Gokey, Claremont-Windsor District Manager. Front, from left, Robinson; Shelly Davis, Windsor; Michael Derosier, Claremont, and Richard Drake, Claremont. Back, Melissa Davis, Windsor; Gokey; Tim Hudson, Springfield; Amy O’Dell, Claremont, and Stuart Goss, Claremont.


Fire Chief James Wright reminded residents this week that the Christmas season is one of the more hazardous times of year for structure fires. The Newport Fire Department, school system and the McCrillis and Eldredge Insurance Agency teamed together to bring fire hazard warnings to pupils in Richards School, and the New Hampshire Department of Safety and Chief Wright issued suggestions on how to prevent Christmastime fires.

Lucien Gentes, 67 Oak St., will get 25 percent more money than the highest appraised value of some of his property taken to rebuild the Oak Street Bridge. Town Manager William K. Dugan said three members of the Board of Selectmen have agreed to pay him his asking price for the property. It is the same percentage paid Selectman Anthony C. Maiola, 83 Oak St., above the highest appraisal for some of his property taken for the bridge. Mr. Maiola’s property was appraised erroneously in two of three appraisals. The first two appraisals located the property in a flood plain and it isn’t.

Atty. Thomas G. Kraeger, Feeney and Kraeger law firm, was elected unanimously Dec. 7 to the Newport Zoning Board of Adjustment. He success Constance P. Tracey who resigned for health reasons after serving on the board for more than 12 years. Other members of the board are Philip A. Corbett, Frank Luck, Carolyn Terhune and George Catsam. Elected as alternates were James S. Currier, Oak Street; John A. Grantham, Laurel Street Extension, and Stanley Miller, Turkey Hill Road.

Newport Superintendent of Public Works Jeffrey Willett asked town selectmen Dec. 6 to halt any Guild Road construction that would result in heavy sewage, and selectmen said they would not. Mr. Willett said the Sunapee Street sewage ejector station, designed in 1966 for a life of 20 years and constructed in 1971, is overloaded, overworked and in danger of breaking down because the Sunapee Street and Guild Road area sustained more construction than anticipated.


Marilyn Cass, Main Street, was among area residents who attended the madrigal dinner feast and concert given Dec. 8 by the Department of Music, Plymouth State College, Plymouth.


Bruce Clark just returned from Chicago, a trip he was awarded in honor of his work and dedication to the 4-H program, which he has been a member for 10 years. Clark was sent to Chicago as a member of the National 4-H Congress. He was awarded a $1,000 scholarship as one of the six top 4-H members in the field of forestry among a field of 100,000 in the country.


About 60 friends and co-workers of Superintendent Dick Parker, longtime manager of Mt. Sunapee State Park, honored him last weekend at a dinner party upon his retirement after 30 years of state service. On behalf of employees here, Don Sorrento, mechanical foreman, presented a mantel clock to Mr. Parker.


Hot lunches at the Goshen-Lempster Cooperative School will be five cents more after Jan. 1, raising the price to 60 cents. The school board authorized the price hike at its meeting on Dec. 6, after learning that the state will reduce its reimbursement to the school hot lunch program by five cents per meal. Adult lunches will go up from 80 cents to $1.


Mr. and Mrs. Mark Apsey and children have moved from their Eastman property to their new home on the East Grantham Road.

Mrs. Robert McCrone, Denver, spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walker Sr.


Raymond Newcomb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Newcomb, is enrolled in the Nathaniel Hawthorne College, Antrim, and is studying for his pilot’s license. He is training in Florida. Mr. Newcomb is a 1979 graduate of Newport High School.



The December meeting of the Methodist Women’s Society of Christian Service was held recently in Howe Memorial Hall. Mrs. Max Sherman, Miss Louise Colby and Mrs. William Kirn are working on the city-wide toy project at the Francis Store. Members were told that more toys were needed, and were asked to help at the store.

Claremont’s City Council last night amended a zoning ordinance and paved the way for expanded use of the Arrowhead Skiway property. The ordinance will now give the Zoning Board of Adjustment the tools with which to allot, if it so chooses, the operators of Arrowhead to use their facilities, which include an A-frame building, all year around. Presently the Skiway is limited to a winter operation.

Claremont School District voters at the annual March meeting, will decide what to do with $17,375 of New Hampshire Sweepstakes funds. This amount represents an “excess” portion of a $62,581 Sweepstakes check received by the School District yesterday.

The sate Public Utilities Commission opened a public hearing vote this morning in Claremont City Council chambers to gain citizen reaction to a Boston and Maine Railroad proposal to close its station at Claremont Junction. The B&M contend that staffing and maintaining the station is a losing proposition. Two passenger trains currently move through the Junction daily between New York and Montreal.

The Cline property on Broad Street has been purchased by the city to be used as parking for about 40 cars. Demolition will start as soon as possible. City Council members approved the purchase of this land on Dec. 3, 1963, for $12,000 after accepting a 10-year encumbrance to the deed that it be used for a parking lot only.


A young man from Newport will be a crew member on the oceanographic research vessel Atlantis II when it sales next week to the Azores for a five-week cruise. James H. Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lewis, Cheney Street,., who will sign on to the crew tomorrow as mess boy, was graduated from Towle High School in June.

Advertisement—Woodhull’s Market—Canned Vegetables, Cut Green Beans, Cut Wax Beans, Whole Kernel Corn, Sweet Peas, Red Ripe Tomatoes, 7 cans $1, $3.35 per case; Bologna, 49 Cents Lb.; Juicy California Bartlett Pears, 6 for 39 Cents.

A 1,600 gallon tank has been given to the Newport Fire Department by Corbett Oil Company Inc., Belknap Avenue. The Fire Department has mounted it on wheels. Fire Chief Herbert Wright said that the tank was used previously for transporting fuel oil, but that it will now serve the fire department as an auxiliary water supply, which can be transported to the scene of a conflagration.

Philip Smet, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Smet, Grand View Avenue, has been discharged from the U.S. Navy after having completed a four-year tour of duty. He achieved a petty officer rating as radioman second class.

A1/c David Doiron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doiron, Pleasant Street, will be discharged from the service this month after completing a four-year tour of duty. He and his wife, the former Barbara Brown of Newport, who have been residing in Sacramento, Calif., will arrive home before the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woodard, Summit Road, spent Sunday in Westover, Mass., with their daughter, Mrs. Raymond Keating and her family. Mrs. Woodard remained for the week to help care for her week-old granddaughter, Catherine.


Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Barrowman, Attleboro, Mass., are closing their home, which they have occupied weekends, for the winter.

Earle Carpenter Jr. and Dallas R. Patten, attended the 4-H Club dairy meeting in Plainfield Saturday evening. They were accompanied by David Carpenter and Steven Cole.


Arthur Smith Sr. and his son, Richard, both shot deer during the past season.

John Pillsbury has returned from a business trip to Kentucky and a brief vacation in Florida.


Maurice Nelson Jr., Bedford, Mass., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nelson, Croydon Flat.


Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J. Pinkney and their family were Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buchan and their family in Malden, Mass.


Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Webb and their daughters, Toni and Jodee, and their son, Rick and Mr. Webb’s mother, Mrs. Alice Webb, were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Webb and Mrs. Cora Webb, Lebanon.

The Sunapee High School 1964 yearbook, “The Wild Goose,” received a “highest” award certificate from the Boston University Scholastic Press contest. A highest award corresponds to first place. Claudia Gardner and Joan Bell were co-editors of the 1964 yearbook.



Score winners of the American Legion card party sponsored Tuesday night in the Legion home were the following: High, Mrs. Harold Crossman and W.M. Stockwell; Low, Mrs. Mabel Michaud and Fred Lord. Special prizes went to Miss Celia Brody and Fred Lord of Newport.

Fire Chief and Mrs. Esmond J. Dansereau are in Boston today attending the Massachusetts State Fire Chiefs’ Christmas party being held at the Hotel Statler.

At the Latchis Theater—Excellent Double Feature Combination: Hayfoot with William Tracy, Joyce Sawyer and James Gleason, and Open Secret with John Ireland and Jane Randolph.

A meeting of the Claremont Skating Club will be held Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Monadnock Park under the grandstand, George Morin of the Club announced today.

The Rev. Harold Campbell directed the program at the regular Rotary Club meeting in the Colonial Hotel yesterday at which Christmas customs of other lands were described. Participating in the program were Stephen Doody, Ireland; Andreas Hauge, Norway; Alan Hutcheon, Scotland, and Raymond Denault, France and Canada.

Pansies were in bloom yesterday in the garden of Mrs. Emmett Smith of 132 Second St. Mrs. Smith brought two purple blossoms into the Daily Eagle office and said they had been covered with snow when she picked them.

Per pupil cost of operating Stevens High School is $237.27 as compared with a statewide average of $233.70 . Claremont elementary costs are $122.22 per pupil as against $140.39 in the state as a whole. These figures were reported at a School Board meeting Monday night.


Several youngsters have been tampering with the Christmas lights on Sunapee Street, and have been warned against such action, police said yesterday. Some of the youngsters have been caught and warned, police said, but further malicious activity with the lights will result in formal steps against the offenders.

Billy B. Van is a business visitor in Boston.

Daniel Avery of the University of New Hampshire spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Avery of Unity Road.

Stewart and Betty Harlow are expected home Saturday for their two weeks holiday vacation from the University of New Hampshire.

Miss Bronia Sielewicz spent the weekend in Boston.

Richards School News (Grade 6 H-N)—Harold Matheson, John Koziell and Theodore Merrill received perfect spelling marks on Wednesday. We made Christmas cards Friday. We were allowed to choose our own designs. Some of us used Angels, some Scottie dogs, holly branches and candles. We intend to send our cards to friends and relatives.

With the new Wheeler Gymnasium scheduled to open in the near future the need for a scoreboard in the gym becomes more and more urgent. At the suggestion of Headmaster Ernest M. Perkins, a Booster Club is being formed to raise the $330 needed to purchase this equipment. Boosters contributing $10 to the cause will receive a season ticket entitling them to admission to all school events during the current year.

Mrs. Dexter Richards spent the holiday with her family in Wichita, Kan.


John and James Newton were appointed to get the Christmas tree for the Juvenile Grange. Gloria Leavitt, Gloria Ayotte, Jackie Warburton, Ronny Kempton and Ronny Partlow were appointed for the decoration committee.


The family gathering at the Hubert Hartwell Sr. home were Mr., and Mrs. Richard Hartwell, son Richard Jr., daughter Joan of Antrim; Mr. and Mrs. March Clark of East Acworth; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lovejoy; Mr. and Mrs. Almon Clark, son Ronald and Charles Clark.


Cortiss Abbott Jr., motored to Fryeburg, Maine, and Warren Coxc returned with him for Thanksgiving. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gould and Lois took Warren back to Fryeburg Academy and also called on their daughter, Mrs. Ralph Chadburn and family in Norway, Maine.


Mr. George Kemp enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kemp in Guild.

Miss Helen Berry was a guest of friends in Claremont Thanksgiving Day.


Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dufresne and children have moved to their new home, which they purchased from Fred Fraser.

Mrs. Perley Newton is now employed at the Carrie F. Wright Hospital.

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