
Claremont Senior Center News: Dec. 14

Put the red one on that branch! No,maybe the green one. Hey, these lights are not working. Will we ever get this tree done? As we thumb our way through boxes of decorations, we have to imagine all the “oooohs” and “aahs” after. The only puzzle left will be what is in the boxes with your name on them under that beautiful tree.

Special Notice: The Members Christmas Party will be on Sunday, Dec. 15 at 1 p.m. This will be a pot luck so bring your celebration best. There will be a gift exchange for those who wish to participate. A $10 gift is suggested. Oh, and don’t forget to wear your Santa hat or those Reindeer antlers, bring jingle bells and your Ho Ho Hos.

The Men’s Breakfast will be served on Monday, Dec. 16 at 8:15 a.m. Enjoy Pancakes, sausage or bacon, juice, coffee, and a guest speaker. Here is a chance to get away from the decorating for a while. Come share your decorating nightmares with the boys. Open to the public. Members is $2, nonmembers is $3.

Menu for the week:

Tuesday, Dec. 17 — Soup, sheperd’s pie, dinner roll, blueberry crisp.

Thursday, Dec. 19 — Ken and the volunteers will offer a complete Turkey Dinner with all the fixings. Cost is $10, for children it is $6. You must sign up for this event. Call (603) 543-5998.

Quick Takes: Foot Clinic will be on Wednesday, Dec. 18. Blood Pressure will be on Thursday, Dec. 19 from 11 a.m. to noon.

Special Notice: Ken and the kitchen volunteers are taking a well deserved vacation break. There will be no meals during Christmas week. The Center will be closed on Dec. 25.

As our functions resume after Christmas, there are a couple of places at the Center where help is needed. These areas are not difficult and only take an afternoon. The kitchen help could use some extra hands on Wednesday afternoons to serve food to the bingo patrons. The other spot is bingo calling. Those who have been calling need a break. It would probably require once or twice a month. Give either position a try. It can be addictive, Come in and talk to Ken.

We are thinking of adding a Thursday night Cribbage time from 6-9. If you are interested, please call 603-543-5998 and leave your name and phone number so we may contact you. Thanks.

Our trial memberships are still available. Programs such as pool, cards, cribbage and mahjong are members only. The trial membership allows you to socialize and participate in all programs for 30 days. We anticipate two new programs next year and a new trip venue. Members sometime receive a discount on the trips. So, what have you got to lose. Try us out. Ask for a yearly membership for a Christmas gift, or give one to a friend so they can join you. See you here!

Thought for the Week: Focus on your potential, not on your limitations.

Well, all we can say here is good luck with the decorations. Remember, it is your tree. The decorations are where you wanted them. Celebrate your artistry.

Laughter and lively conversation are always welcome here. And Santa stories. Ho Ho Ho!

Claremont Senior Center, 5 Acer Heights Road, Claremont, NH. (603) 543-5998. Smoke free. Open-Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Also, Tuesday and Thursday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

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