
Letter to the Editor: Do not eliminate the Electoral College

Oops there it goes!

Eliminate the Electoral College and New Hampshire would be forever marginalized and always underrepresented in national issues. Without the Electoral College, groups such as New Hampshire laborers, Iowa farmers and Ohio factory workers would be ignored in favor of satisfying crowded metropolitan areas with higher population densities.

Does eliminating the Electoral College make sense for New Hampshire? No, of course not. But wait! I can name four people to whom this may make sense. Four people who would support eliminating New Hampshire’s influence in national elections: Sens. Shaheen and Hassan, and Reps. Kuster and Pappas. Why? Because Democrats in DC typically do what Chuck and Nancy dictate. If Democrat leadership asks Democrat Senators and Representatives to support a bill, then that’s how they’ll be expected to vote.

Some describe the downsides of a pure democracy as the same as two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for dinner. In a popular-vote-takes-all process, densely populated states will simply run rogue over less populated states.

Not interested? Wake up! This affects us! Fifteen states have decided to allocate all their electoral votes to the national popular vote winner. Surprisingly, Vermont, a state with less people than New Hampshire, is one that has signed on to ceding their influence in national issues to the larger states. I say good luck to them. I pray New Hampshire stays independent.

While we’re at it, why do we send hundreds of destructive Democrats to represent us in Concord?

Please New Hampshire, for the sake of the country and the sake of our beautiful state, do not vote Democrat this next election.

Vote Republican. We can’t afford not to.

David Rivers

Thornton, NH

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