LAND O’ LAKES, Fla. — John Carr, 48, passed suddenly on Dec. 12, 2019, in Land O’ Lakes, Florida, where he lived for the past 20 years. He now joins our parents, Floyd and Shirley Carr; our sister Deb; two uncles, Kenneth Welch and Richard Carr; and our loving Aunt Lorraine. John was a jack of all trades, holding down different jobs throughout his life, but the most important job he had was raising his two stepchildren, Robert Guthrie and Chelsea Nigeria. We will have a celebration of his life back in his childhood home at 24 Pawtucket Ave. in Claremont, New Hampshire, on Jan. 11 from noon to 3 p.m. All are welcome to share in the stories and memories of his life. Anyone who needs more information can call Jim at (603) 477-5451.
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