
Letter to the Editor: Regarding Poor Elijah

Mr. Berger, as is common with those infected with “Never Trump” syndrome, takes as gospel lies promulgated to discredit President Trump. In his Dec. 11 opinion piece he states that the president intervened on behalf of a Navy Seal convicted of a war crime and added that the guilty decision was made by other Navy Seals.

Wrong, more lies!

Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher was found innocent of any war crimes by a jury of seven: five Marines and two sailors (one of which was a Navy Seal). How wrong can you be Mr. Berger?

Chief Gallagher was found guilty of a UCMY Article (Court Martial offense) for having his photo taken next to a corpse. The maximum punishment for such would be four months in the brig. Chief Gallagher had spent nearly seven months in jail waiting trial before the president ordered his release.

Chief Gallagher was also demoted to first class petty officer. This is where President Trump intervened; he ordered Gallagher to be returned to chief petty officer.

Leading up to the trial, the first prosecutor and team was replaced because of misconduct, including the tracking of e-mails of the defense. That part of the Navy sitting in their air-conditioned offices, peeved because of the actions of the jury, and the president, decided to retaliate by appointing a commission to examine the possibility of removing the “Trident Pin” emblem of the Navy Seals from the chief as well as two officers who had been over him. That move was squashed by the secretary of defense (after he had to fire the Secretary of the Navy for misconduct) plus canceled recommendations for medals of commendation for three officers of the prosecutors staff.

You go to great lengths to explain “facts.” It really behooves you to get your facts straight, and true, before you begin denouncing others. Bottom line, your opinion of the President of the United States of America evidently clutters your mind to the extent that it effects your reasoning. To quote Poor Elijah: “an opinion can be stated with passion and still be unsupported and invalid.”

The validity of my facts can be corroborated by contacting The San Diego Union Tribune.

Galen A. Crandall Jr.

Perkinsville, VT

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