The temperature cooled down on Thursday, Dec. 12 to 16 degrees compared to a low of 26 a day earlier and 43 on Dec. 10. Those morning lows that were on the high side really didn’t signal in the official start of winter on Saturday, Dec. 21.
There was some chilly weather reported atop Mount Washington at the Observatory last week. On Thursday morning the wind chill stood at -45 degrees with a gust of 99 mph over a 24-our period. The Thursday low was 15.1 degrees at 1600 feet and -7.5 at 6288 feet.
On Saturday a little more than one-half inch of rain fell on Sullivan County while some other areas of the state received more than 3 inches of rain. Leading up to Saturday’s rainfall there was a light mist that passed through late Friday afternoon, making driving a challenge. That mist fell onto cold highway surfaces and immediately turned into ice. Most motorists slowed down to 30 mph in 50 mph zones.
Sunday turned out to be a very windy day but it wasn’t a cold wind and that made for a pleasant day. Four inches of fluffy snow fell on Tuesday and some biter-cold weather was forecast to find its way into the area on Wednesday afternoon
Week in Review
Date High Low Precip.
Dec. 11 34 26 0.00
Dec. 12 29 16 0.00
Dec. 13 34 24 0.05
Dec. 14 46 25 0.52
Dec. 15 42 32 0.00
Dec. 16 30 19 0.00
Dec. 17 25 23 4”Sn
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