Local News

N.L. building permits OK’d

NEW LONDON — The New London Board of Selectmen approved the following building permits at their meeting on Dec. 2:

Mountain View Shopping Center (N.H. Liquor) 277 Newport Road, add 1,350 square foot addition to MacKenna Building.

Harry Snow III, 52 Pond’s Edge Lane, new single family, three-bedroom residence.

Abigail and Michael Goen, 226 Quail Run, build 14 by 6-foot shed.

John Cavender and Rosalind Stevens, 360 Whitney Brook Road, convert deck to four-season room.

Lawrence Rupp, 13 Balsam Acres, install stainless steel chimney.

Tyler Kipp and Catharine Newick, 495 Elkins Road, demolish house.

S&P Family Trust, 125 Tracy Road, new single-family residence with accessory dwelling unit.

Theresa and Robert Sienkiewicz, Columbus Avenue, new single-family residence.

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