Past Times

Telephone service to be extended in Claremont-Newport area



Photo Caption—Stevens High School Drama Club will present two plays tonight at the school auditorium. The plays, directed by Thomas Everett, are “Diary of Adam and Eve” based on a work by Mark Twain, and an adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream. Adam and Eve, played by Erin Cole and Robert Bladen, are joined by a lamb (Laura Bladen) and a tiger, (Michael Foster).

“What a victory,” is the way Harvey D. Hill, Chairman of the Claremont Hospital’s $1,100,000 Building Fund Campaign described the drive as new pledges amounting to $189,456 at Tuesday evening’s report rally swept the current standing of the fund well beyond the minimum goal to $1,216,918. Highlighting yesterday’s spirited “Victory Report” meeting was the announcement of a $50,000 subscription from Elmendorf Board Corporation, Claremont’s newest industry

In a fight over who’s to pay an expected shortfall in state aid to the handicapped, the Claremont School District became one of the first districts to throw down the gauntlet. Faced with bills from two private institutions totaling$11,997, the board unanimously voted to request the New Hampshire Board of Education to pay $6,341, or all costs above twice the state average tuition.


Public Works Superintendent Jeffrey Willett thinks his men might be “two weeks from the go-ahead” for moving into the new $415,000 town garage. The final inspection of the building is scheduled for next Tuesday, he said, and all that remains to be done before is to have fuel oil delivered so the heating system will be operating.

Newport High School’s junior varsity and varsity basketball games with Conant High School Dec. 30 are expected to be played in the Sunapee gymnasium because of the worsening condition of the floor in Wheeler Gym at Towle School, Newport. Newport High School Athletic Director Dennis Hoffman said he and Principal Rodney J. Walker received approval from the Sunapee school officials to use the Sunapee facility. The floor of Wheeler gym was build over a wet spot and it buckled. The floor was fixed recently, but buckled again.

Anthony C. Maiola, 83 Oak St., was defeated in his bid for re-election as lieutenant in the Newport Fire Dept. by Paul C. Reamon, Blueberry Ridge Road, at the department’s annual meeting. John J. Marcotte was elected captain, succeeding Peter O. Perry, who resigned. Armand T. Connor, Harold Engels and Donald A. Lord were re-elected lieutenants; David Jones ware-elected supply officer; John A. Grantham, re-elected treasurer and Arthur Demeis was re-elected clerk.


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reading, Fremont, Calif., are spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Reading’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Butcher, New London Road.


Emmett Gavin was re-elected to a three-year term Wednesday as business agent of Local 2018 of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. Gavin, who is from Charlestown, received 71 percent of the vote. His chief opponent, Roland Farnsworth, received about 28 percent of the vote.


Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Currier, East Grantham, over the Christmas holiday were their children, Joyce Currier, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Currier and daughters Tina and Anita, all of Newport, and Mrs. Gerald Currier and children, Guild.


At the baked bean and ham supper Dec. 18 sponsored by the Goshen Community Church for the benefit of the parish hall fund, 65 persons were served. Workers were Mrs. Edwin Baker, Margaret Kingston, Mrs. Rolph Jacobs, Shelley Stevens, Rolph Jacobs, Mr. Ivan Scranton, Mrs. Ralph Wright, Mrs. Paul Nelson, Mrs. Arthur Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Straw and Arthur Nelson.


Ten pupils at Sunapee High School earned first honors in the first marking period. They were Anne Collins, Marlene Huff and Laury Nelson, Grade 12; Edward Heiner, Grade 11; Fiona Davey and Nathaniel Keeler, Grade 10; Nicole Bergeron, Grade 8, and Diane Fitzpatrick, Kris Ostrom and Patricia Sullivan, Grade 7.



Mrs. Annie Stinson of Elm Street Extension spent Sunday with relatives in Springfield, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. David Harris of Trinity Street, spent the holiday with his brother in Springfield, Mass.

Awards presented at the monthly meeting of Cub Scout Pack 29 held at North Street School went to James Cady, Philip DuPont, Richard LaPointe, Richard Michalenoick, Duane Hathaway, Stanley Lamphere, Kenneth Watts, Anthony Zullo and Lyndon B. Horton.


Newport and Sunapee will get extended telephone service next year if they want it. The New England Telephone Company announced this week that extended local service is scheduled for four areas, Newport-Sunapee, Newport-Claremont, Claremont-Windsor, Vt., and Claremont-Charleston. Frank W. Amadon, manager of the Claremont business office, said all affected subscribers would be polled about the extended service, since it would probably involve an increased rate.

Photo Caption—A new member of Girl Scout Troop 112 is April Winn. She received her pin from Mrs. Richard Trenholm during investiture ceremonies recently in the undercroft of the Church of the Epiphany.

Ten Newport students, five in Towle High School and five in Newport Junior High School, qualified for high honors, all marked 90 or above, for the first quarter marking period. They were Judith Hodgman and Donald Jackson, seniors; Aaron Budnitz, Diane Dow and Gordon B. Flint Jr., sophomores; Deborah Larmie, Grade 9; Peter Dierks, Grade 8, and Lucinda Hill and Robert Parker, Grade 7.


Mrs. Ernest Huber and her daughter, Suzanne, Trumbull, Conn., and Mrs. Ralph Welch and her children, Coralie and David, were holiday dinner guests of Mrs. Charles Almeder.


William G. Mathewson Jr., Harvard Business School, was at the home of his parents for the Thanksgiving holiday.

David Heath, Concord, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Landry, Claremont, were holiday guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Heath.


Mrs. Bertha Jones and her daughters, Mrs. Raymond Osborne and Mrs. Stanley Cutts, recently spent the day with Mrs. A.J. Davis, Wilmot Flat. Mrs. Davis is the sister of the late Mr. Jones and is an aunt of Mrs. Cutts and Mrs. Osborne. She celebrated her 94th birthday that day.


Mrs. Leland Riley spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Sablewski, and Mr. Sablewski and their children in Claremont.



Some 700 children of Joy Manufacturing Company employees attended the annual Joy Christmas party in the Magnet Theatre. The children enjoyed a three-hour program complete with movies, refreshments, and a drawing for four major prizes. Bicycles were won by Sylvia Gardner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernard Gardner, and Peter Limoges, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rene Limoges. Outdoor gym sets were won by Linda Courtemanche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Normand Coutermanche, and Richard Baril, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baril. Co-chairmen of the organizing committee were Robert Couture and Norman Brunelle.

Nineteen-year-old Fran Boucher. daughter of Edward Boucher of Old Newport Road, brought down a 137-pound, eight-point buck Sunday in Unity with a .410. It’s getting to be a habit with Fran. Last year she shot a doe.

Claremont Police Chief William C. Nobbs asked this morning that Claremont drivers observe a “no left turn” traffic sign recently installed in front of the Post Office on Broad Street. The sign is designed to prevent congestion by having drivers wishing to make a left turn do so at the north end of the triangle. Many drivers have been observed disregarding the signs

The St. Mary Cavalier Color Guard traveled to the second annual Tobacco Valley Championship Contest held in Windsor Locks, Conn., and placed fourth in a field of nine member units of the Connecticut All-American Color Guard Circuit. The Cavaliers were the only unit present to receive a near perfect inspection score, with 9.9 out of a possible 10 points and were the only guard present with members from one school whose ages were below 18.


The annual Winter Dance, sponsored by the Newport Hospital Aid, will be held Dec. 10 at the Moose Home from 8 p.m. to midnight. Proceeds will be used to purchase hospital equipment. Chairman is Mrs. Warren Franz, with Mrs. John Fairbanks serving as co-chairman. Mrs. Lucille Page West and the older students of her First Studio School of theater will provide entertainment during intermission. The hall will be decorated by Jack Sweeney and Maurice Mundwiller of Province House, Sunapee. Music will be by the Moose Lodge Orchestra.

American Cancer Society Regional meeting was held in Newport with Mrs. Dorothy Radford, Newport area commander; Dr. Strother Marshall of Claremont, Society Director; Mrs. Camille DeCook of Lempster, Mrs. C.W. Crane of Cornish and Mrs. Harry Bartlett of Goshen, Area Captains.


Dr. Paul Willard has had an automatic telephone answering system installed in his office for a month’s trial.

Horace Bascom has had a back injury.

Joseph B. Lyman III, a senior at Yale University majoring in English, has been named to the Dean’s List.



Miss Carrie Huntley of 30 Grove Street is spending a week in West Caldwell, N.J., with her nephew, Westney Cumming.

Advertisement—First National Stores—Fresh Crisp California Iceberg Lettuce, 2 Large Heads, 20 Cents; Fresh Ground Lean Hamburg, 59 Cents Lb.; Tender Native Fryer or Broiler Chickens, 39 Cents Lb.; Pork Loins, 39 Cents Lb.

A portable flashing traffic signal intended for use near schools will be demonstrated next Tuesday at West Claremont School. However, the city already has on order a different type of signal costing much less and is not expected to buy the more expensive type. The flashing signals cost about $90 each, and because they are single-faced, two are required for each school, one to slow traffic from each direction in the highway.

At the annual meeting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Military and Concert Band held Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Alfred Godek; secretary-treasurer, Richard Marcotte; librarian, Rudolph Giguere, and board of directors, Norman Burr, James Grela and Ray Titus.


Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown of Hillsboro spent the weekend with Mr. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Brown on Laurel Street.

A public discussion will be held Wednesday evening in Claremont to seek ways to clear up the polluted Sugar River. Sponsored by the Claremont Rod and Gun Club, the discussion will attempt to bring out all facts concerning the pollution situation along the streams. The club feels Newport is most to be blamed for the pollution situation, but selectmen and the town manager here say the cost of a sewage disposal plant would be prohibitive.

Mrs. Bernice M. Sawyer MacWilliams, Register of Probate, spent Christmas at the home of her aunt in Contoocook.

Donald Dunbar of Keene Teachers College, is spending the holiday weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar on Cheney Street.

Betty and Stuart Harlow of the University of New Hampshire, are spending the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harlow on South Main Street.


Mrs. Nellie Barton, Mrs. Christy Anderson and Mrs. Gail Brock and children of Newport called on Mr. and Mrs. Orren Pillsbury recently.


The Couple’s Club of the United Parish met Tuesday night for a party in the parish house. Square and round dancing were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Streeter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Burney and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moore were in charge and served refreshments.


Henry Cook, who has been visiting his wife and children here, left on Friday for Toledo, Ohio, where he has a position as architectural designer.


Mr. and Mrs. Larry Zullo of Newport were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DeRobertis.

Mrs. Michael Faughnan of Lynbrook Lodge has returned to her home after spending a week in New York visiting friends and relatives.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mark went to Kingston, Mass., last Wednesday to spend the holiday and weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Antoniotti and family.



Benny Carter and his orchestra will appear at Roseland Ballroom, Saturday, Dec. 8, direct from Hollywood and New York.

Claremont’s well-known reputation for hospitality faces a serious test with upwards of 100 delegates in the State YMCA Older Boy’s Conference due to arrive and insufficient accommodations available for all of the group. The tight postwar housing situation has so far balked efforts of conference sponsors to place all boys in local homes. Secretary George Wheeler urges Claremonters to offer a boy a room for Friday and Saturday nights. If we know boys, they’ll bunk almost anywhere and be happy about the whole thing.


Christmas packages were sent to nine men in the service from the finishing department of the Gordon Woolen Mill. This is the fourth Christmas package to be sent to servicemen who were employed at the unit. Olin Perry and Ernest Johnson recently returned to the mill from the “SeaBees”.

If we knew then what ewe know now…

DDT is the most effective insecticide yet tried for bedbug control, according to information to the National Association of Housing officials. This fact was determined at the end of eight month’s experiments, involving more than 3,000 infested dwelling units in 35 developments throughout the country by the Federal Housing Authority. In most cases, a 4 percent solution of DDT in deodorized kerosene protects against reinfestation for at least 90 days. The total cost of spraying mattresses, bedspreads and furniture averages 50 cents per units.


Russell Moody, captain of the victorious Stevens High School football during the season just past and a tower of strength on the line during the past two years is honored by inclusion in the All-State eleven for 1930 selected by Granite State officials and coaches. Captain Moody holds down his regular berth at left tackle on the mythical eleven. Although none of the Stevens players were picked for the second eleven, two were selected for the third All-State team, right tackle Theodore George, and quarterback Glenn Thomas. Honorable mention was made by William Palmer, right end; Kenneth Jones, halfback; and Edward Baker, fullback.

Patrons of last night’s charity fund boxing card here were entertained with five fast bouts, opening with two preliminaries in which Red Chaffee won the decision over Carl Stacey, and Al Golec defeated Harold Comstock.

The following in the County School were perfect in attendance for the past 12 weeks: Beatrice and Pauline Bailey, Henry and Patricia Davis, Ruth and Robert Hall, Blanche and Rene Laporte, Virginia McNeil, Florence Slack, Herbert and Charles Vadney and Lois Whitmore. The honor students for the eighth grade are Beatrice Bailey, Herbert Vadney, for the fifth grade, spelling, Florence and Herbert Slack and Henry Davis, third grade, spelling and reading, Virginia McNeil, second grade reading, Herbert Strout and Patricia Davis.

Rand, Ball and King Company, 60-62 Pleasant St., advertises Christmas Gifts for Everybody: Percolators, Make Delicious Coffee: $3.95 and up; Genuine Horsehide Coats, $13.75; Toys: Mechanical Trains, 50 cents and up; Electric Trains, $4.65 to $21.

Kimball’s, 31 Pleasant St., Christmas Cards for $1.

Osgood’s Pharmacy: “Don’t Cough! Take Stearn’s Pine Tar and Honey, Large Bottles, 50 cents.


The annual meeting of the Sullivan County Pomona Grange was held at Odd Fellows Hall with Master Arthur E. Nutting of Sunapee, presiding. Officers include Herbert and Mabel Babcock, Henry and Bertha Nash, Henrietta Ayer and Grace Converse of Claremont. Also elected were Ruth Nutting and Curtis and Fanny Perkins of Sunapee, and Henry and Mary Kelly of Cornish.

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