
Town of Newport receives $818,474.67 in grant funds in 2019

NEWPORT — Newport officials were successful in securing well over three quarters of a million dollars in grant funds in 2019 from a variety of programs for projects ranging from studies to infrastructure projects, child care, emergency management, snow removal, and conservation efforts.

There has been a push to search out grants to assist with many projects that would go undone without these funds.

The DPW/Water Department is the recipient of grant funds to address infrastructure improvements. The Town received a $354,183 grant from the Northern Border Regional Commission to fund the construction of a new water intake system at Gilman Pond in Unity, Newport’s largest water source.

This will replace the current system that was constructed in 1895. The improvements will increase Newport’s access to water, help ensure supply during drought conditions and prepare Newport for future growth.

A Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Community Development Finance Authority totaling $125,925 was awarded to the Town to replace the emergency generator at the Riverbend Wastewater Pump Station in Guild.

This will replace the current emergency generator system which is over 40 years old. The new system will guarantee wastewater pump station operations during power outages and emergency weather conditions.

Monies from NH DES Local Source Water Protection Grant were awarded to erect a gate at the Pollards Mill pump house in the amount of $3,350.

The Department of Economic Development received a $12,000 CDBG grant and a $5,000 grant from the Capital Regional Development Council to fund a study that will determine the need for off-shift childcare in the region.

The Office of Planning and Zoning has received funds from several grant programs. The most recent award totals $87,750 from LCHIP (Land and Heritage Investment Program) to fund further Opera House renovations including installing new floors, re-point interior and exterior brick work, repair/replace limestone trim, install exterior handrails at rear entrance, repair sagging landings and install storm water drainage.

The New Hampshire Department of Historical Resources and National Park Service granted the Town with $6,500 to fund the creation of interactive panels for the Pier and Wright Railroad Covered Bridges. The New Hampshire Preservation Alliance awarded $4,500 as 50 percent funding for a Condition Assessment for the Newport Opera House.

The Police Department received $82,453.73 in grant monies from New Hampshire Management Preparedness Grant (NH EMPG) for the following items:

An emergency management trailer, mobile message board, cones, barricades, signs, portable generator, 2 portable light towers, fire truck repeater, backup generator for the police department and radio room upgrades, and a mobile light tower. They also received a $24,893.00 grant from USDA for a Polaris Side by Side with a trailer and rescue/fire equipment.

Grant monies were also awarded to fund two positions. The New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office Pass-Through Grant from the Federal Byrne-Jag Grant awarded $60,000 to fund the position of Drug Task Force Officer and $30,000 was received from Homeland Security- New Hampshire Department of Safety to fund the position of Intelligence Liaison Officer. A New Hampshire Highway Safety Grant in the amount of $10,084.94 was received for DWI/Highway Enforcement.

The Newport Municipal Airport received a grant from the New Hampshire Bureau of Aeronautics for 80 percent of the cost of a 10-foot HLA Snowpush totaling $2,500. It will reduce time and fuel consumption for the airport for snow removal for each snowstorm .

The Town Clerk’s Office received funds from the New Hampshire State Library Moose Plate Grant Program on behalf of the Town of Newport, in the amount of $9,335 to conserve and digitize war documents from 1812-1907.

The Town of Newport is working hard to bring in dollars from grant programs to fund projects and positions that would not happen otherwise. There are many other grant requests that have been submitted and are awaiting decision. For more detailed information on the projects listed above, please contact the initiating department.

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