HThere are several Democratic presidential candidates who support Medicare for All who also happen to be viable general election candidates (unlike Bernie Sanders, who has no realistic chance of being elected president). If you actually want to see Medicare for All implemented, vote for Elizabeth Warren. Sen. Warren can win, whereas Bernie Sanders is a sure loser.
Until these myopic, naive Bernie Bros. can provide a satisfactory explanation as to how Sanders would be able to successfully handle the following issues which would certainly be highlighted by the GOP in a general election, their irrational insistence that Democrats vote for non-Democrat Bernie Sanders should fall on deaf ears.
Bernie Sanders is on the record repeatedly having unreservedly and uncritically lauded lavish public praise on a number of anti-American dictators. Then there is that bizarre, incredibly disturbing article that Sanders wrote which was published in 1972 when Sanders was a 30-year-old Gubernatorial candidate in Vermont.
Why would you vote for someone like that to be President of the United States? We already have someone like that as President. We certainly do not need to replace one foolish, misogynistic, geriatric Russophile with another. There are more qualified, much less crazy Democratic candidates to choose from.
Get a clue, Bernie Bros. Sen. Sanders is a sure loser in a general election, which is why – in addition to the 78-year-old politician’s recent heart attack – Bernie Sanders should drop out of the presidential race immediately.
Losing in 2020 is not an option. Democrats must nominate a candidate who can actually win.
Jake Pickering
Arcana, CA
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