As promised, there was a change in the weather on Thursday, Dec. 19. The morning low was 1 degree, lower in some areas. With the wind it was much colder. At the top of Mount Washington the wind chill was -57 degrees. Event though there was plenty of sun, it just wasn’t a day to hang around outside. And keep in mind, winter wasn’t scheduled to officially start until Saturday, Dec. 21.
Cold weather continued on Friday, Dec. 20 with another morning that was near zero in some areas. The skating hut is now in place on the Newport Common and the ice rink area is all plowed, waiting for flooding to start.
As we get closer to Christmas, the daytime temperatures, as promised, are on the rise along with melting snow. Oh, sure, colder temps are on the way after the Christmas holiday but there were a couple of toasty warm days that almost reached 50 degrees.
There was a fair amount of snow melt on Monday, Dec. 23, when the afternoon temperature reached 50 degrees. Lawns resurfaced again. Unfortunately, there was no skating on the Newport Common. The one coat of ice that did get applied was no match for 50-degree temperature.
Santa Claus had no problems covering his New Hampshire route on Christmas Eve. The weather on Christmas Day was ideal with no wind blowing things around. It was a bit testy on Friday morning, Dec. 27, however, as a thin layer of ice greeted early-morning motorists heading to work.
Saturday., Dec. 28, turned out to be a beautiful day with afternoon highs in the mid-40 range. It as great to enjoy a sunny day for a change. What little snow remaining on the ground was no match for the warm rays of the sun but that is expected to change on Monday and Tuesday,Jan. 30 and 31, with rain, freezing rain, sleet and snow projected to hang out for the final two days of 2019.
The two-day affair with just about everything to offer, finally moved out on Tuesday, Dec. 31. There was rain, snow, freezing rain and sleet and a challenge to drive in. It a a messy two days.
Two Weeks in Review
Date High Low Precip.
Dec. 18 31 22 0.00
Dec. 19 14 1 0.00
Dec. 20 20 3 0.00
Dec. 21 21 0 0.00
Dec. 22 31 9 0.00
Dec. 23 50 18 0.00
Dec. 24 42 30 0.00
Dec. 25 36 23 0.00
Dec. 26 37 22 0.00
Dec. 27 42 32 0.04Rn
Dec. 28 44 40 0.00
Dec. 29 37 26 0.20
Dec. 30 33 30 0.16Rn
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