ST. JOHNSBURY, Vt. (AP) — The new state’s attorney for Vermont’s Caledonia County is now on the job.
Jessica Zaleski was sworn in Monday at the St. Johnsbury courthouse by Republican Gov. Phil Scott, The Caledonian Record reports.
Zaleski, 41, succeeds former county prosecutor Lisa Warren, who was named a Vermont Superior Court judge.
Zaleski, who was chosen by Scott from among three names forwarded to him, will complete Warren’s current term, which means she will serve for three more years before needing to seek re-election.
Zaleski was born and raised in North Dakota and attended Vermont Law School. She served as a local public defender before joining the team of prosecutors in the state’s attorney’s office.
During the courthouse ceremony, Zaleski thanked the governor for choosing her despite a lack of experience.
“You were open to seeing past that; to taking the time to learn more about my skills and experience that may not have been learned in a courtroom or an office,” Zaleski said.
Scott said he chose Zaleski because she met his “4Cs” criteria: Character, Competence, Commitment and Chemistry.
“These qualities are important for any public servant but especially those charged with upholding justice, and in the interview I was convinced Jessica possessed all four Cs,” Scott said.
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