
Claremont Senior Center News: Jan. 4

Ice is nice… in drinks or on rinks, but not on roads, driveways or walkways. That is not “nice ice.” We hope all of you stay safe. We did hear of a couple of incidents with our seniors. We wish them well.

As we write today, Jan. 1, we are reminded of our resolutions. We all made a list of those big ideas for this year. Well, a little advice here that we just read this morning. Take small steps to do three small improvements. Not so overwhelming.

Let’s eat! Here is the menu for Tuesday and Thursday.

Menu for the week:

Tuesday, Jan. 7

Soup, baked haddock, sweet potato, green beans, blueberry parfait.

Thursday, Jan. 9

Soup, fresh made stuffed peppers, rice, broccoli, ice cream sandwich.

Let’s eat some more! Get your food bibs out! We are having an Italian dinner on Saturday, Jan. 18. Details will be forthcoming. We guarantee you won’t leave hungry. Save the date.

Monday, Jan. 13

The Men’s Breakfast will be at 8:15 a.m. Pancakes, Bacon or Sausages, Juice, Coffee and a Guest Speaker. Open to the public. Men only. Sorry, girls. The cost for members is $2, nonmembers is $3. Guy talk is free.

Tuesday, Jan. 14

A professional cookie decorator will be in the house to help us learn to embellish cookies creatively. Both men and women are invited. The cost for members is $5, nonmembers is $6. Please sign up by coming in or calling 603-543-5998. Start your new year with a fun project that you may be able to use with your grandchildren.

We have received some lovely gifts for our Penny Sale in May. Our shelves have plenty of room for more, so don’t be shy. We are looking to receive new or gently used items. You may leave them with the receptionist marked Penny Sale, We will gently set them on the shelf to await a winner’s home. Thanks!

Wednesday, Jan. 8

Corn Hole will resume at 4 p.m. We have a great group playing, but would welcome more. For those who cannot toss too far, we will move the boards closer. Great exercise and fun.

Monday, Jan. 6

Cribbage will restart at its new time: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Gather a few friends and come play. Of course, you can play anytime we are open including Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Quick Takes: Foot Clinic will be on Wednesday, Jan. 8, and Wednesday, Jan. 15. Blood Pressure will be on Thursday, Jan. 16 from 11 a.m. to noon.

Don’t forget to pay your dues, renew (good stuff coming), or try that trial membership you have been wanting to do. You have nothing to lose. We offer fun, conversation, laughter, food, exercise, games, companionship, technology. Did we mention fun? Join us. Our receptionist will help you sign in.

Thought for the Week: This year, don’t count the days, make the days count.

Have a good week everyone and watch that ice.

Laughter and lively conversation always welcome here.

Claremont Senior Center, 5 Acer Heights Road, Claremont, NH. 603-543-5998. Smoke free. Open-Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Also, Tuesday and Thursday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

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