
FMRHS Student of the Month: November Moore

Senior November Moore was selected as our Student of the Month for December. November is the daughter of Sabbith Davis of Charlestown.

November was nominated by both the Career & Technical Education Department and the Science Department. She was described as “one of the kindest, most polite and hardworking students I have ever had. She is always looking to be helpful and make the program run as smoothly as possible. November is the model Fall Mountain student. She is always asking for ways she can help and has grown an incredible amount in her time at Fall Mountain. She is a group leader who makes sure everyone is on track. She is accountable for her work. It has been a pleasure to have November in class.”

November is an honor roll student, member of the Future Farmers of America (FFA), member of the Prom committee, and has volunteered at athletic concession stands.

After graduation, November plans on continuing her education to be an elementary teacher and desires to have her own floral business one day.

Congratulations, November!

Our other nominees for November:

Landon Lake: Always considerate of others and offers to help, engaged in class and contributes to class discussion, positive attitude and excellent effort in class.

Anna Bellows: Goes above and beyond with assignments and responsibilities, ideal student, works hard to improve, mature, helpful, contributes to discussions with thoughtful and intelligent comments.

Ruby Frithsen: Extremely conscientious, peers reach out to for assistance, active member of many clubs, takes initiative and follows through on her commitments.

Adele Towne: Very conscientious student, always seen with a smile, faces any task with an open mind, gives 100% effort, great work ethic, compassionate towards others.

Bennett Shriver: Kind, hard-working, and humble, represents what we wish to see in all Wildcats, developed great musical skills, very involved within our school community.

Olivia Dunnigan: Self-directed learner, goal setter, goes above and beyond in her classes, wants to achieve and be successful, tries to see both sides of situations and listens actively to feedback, she’s pleasant and respectful .

Carley Hansen: Demonstrates many of Fall Mountain’s Core Values, responsible, helpful, has integrity, respectful to all, when she presents her opinion, she does so with care and concern for others, quick to apologize if needed.

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