
Springfield Senior Center News: Jan. 11

As we enter the season of snow and cancellations, if Springfield schools are closed, that means the Senior Center will be closed. If Springfield schools are running on a delay, the center will also be delayed the same amount of time.

Thanks to Terry Ryan and Rick Monarch for providing the entertainment for our New Year’s Party. The refreshment committee of Linda Wilson, Audrey Tarbell, Jane Kelly, Janet Lynds, and Sandi Tarbell. Also, to Sandi Tarbell, Terry Colemen, Karen St. Armaud, Audrey Tarbell, Linda Wilson, Chris & Bob Dufresne, Linda Roys, Laura Pepin, Janet Lynds, Becky Millard, and Bessie Centini for providing refreshments for the party. Prize winners were Curt Tabell, Sandy Tarbell, and Bessie Centini.

Thanks to Janet Lynds and Sandi Tarbell for decorating for the New Year’s Party.

Board Games will be on Monday, Jan. 20 at 1 p.m. Bingo for the month will be on Wednesday, Jan. 15 & Friday, Jan. 31. Game day will be on Wednesday, Jan. 22. Hand is Foot is the popular game played.

January’s Book Club will meet Thursday, Jan. 23 at 1 p.m. We are reading “Midwives” by Chris Bohjalian. Anyone is welcomed to attend.

Our Annual Meeting for the Senior Center is on Wednesday, Jan. 29 at 1 p.m. This meeting is to vote on the election of committee members and to find out the expenses throughout the year from our own senior budget.

If you have any questions about anything above, please reach out to Lori Johnson, executive director, at either 802-885-3933 or [email protected]

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