By Patrick Adrian
[email protected]
NEWPORT — Convicted child molester Alan Wirkkala, 52, will serve 20 to 45 years in prison on multiple counts of sexual assault committed between the years of 1985 and 2002 after accepting a plea agreement in Sullivan County Superior Court Monday.
Wirkkala, a Newport resident, appeared in court for sentencing for two counts of aggravated felonious sexual assault, stemming from his conviction on Dec. 6, in which a trial jury found Wirkkala guilty of sexually assaulting a girl in Claremont on two occasions between the years of 1985 and 1991, when the girl was under the age of 13. Each charge carries a maximum prison sentence of seven and a half to 15 years. Wirkkala still faced sexual assault charges relating to events that took place between 1987 and 2002 involving multiple children.
In a plea deal with the state, Wirkkala pled guilty to six additional charges: two counts of felonious sexual assault; one count of aggravated sexual assault; two counts of first degree assault; and one count of assault as a prisoner, relating to an altercation between Wirkkala and another inmate at Sullivan County Jail in August.
Wirkkala was arrested by Claremont police in September 2018 following a six-month investigation, after a woman reported that Wirkkala had sexually assaulted her when she was a child between the years 1987 and 1991. In the year following his arrest, three more women have come forward, according to the Claremont Police Department.
The court heard testimony from four women who were victimized as children by Wirkkala’s sexual abuse. Pseudonyms will be used in place of the victim’s actual names, to respect their confidentiality.
“I stand up here not only for myself, but for everyone that you have silenced through your actions, for every child you have impacted in your complete disregard for their mental wellbeing,” Irene said to Wirkkala.
Similarly to the other victims who testified, Irene said that the trauma caused by Wirkkala continues into her life as an adult. She said she has struggled with lifelong anxiety and difficulty building and maintaining trusting relationships.
Irene told Wirkkala that no amount of jail time will feel like sufficient justice to her, but she sees his sentencing as an opportunity for her to make peace with herself.
“Today, I’m proud of myself for standing up for that little girl that is still inside of me, crying for someone to listen,” she said.
After her testimony, Superior Court Judge Brian Tucker commended Irene for coming forward.
“You really did service with your voice for a lot of victims in this case,” Tucker told her.
“Denise,” another victim who testified, said that she doesn’t expect the damage caused by Wirkkala to ever heal, but saw this sentencing as some opportunity for closure.
“There’s no amount of counseling, no medication, or anything that’s going to make this go away,” she said. “It’s always going to be with me. But this chapter I can put behind me.”
Sullivan County Assistant Attorney Christine Hilliard explained that the county’s intent for offering a plea deal was to spare the victims of additional trauma that more trials might pose.
According to County Attorney Marc Hathaway, the combined sentenced on all molestation accounts will equate to 20 to 45 years. A consecutive sentence of two to seven years, for the assault as a prisoner charge, was suspended.
Under the agreement, Wirkkala will enter a sexual offender treatment program during his incarceration. A successful completion of that program could make him eligible for a reduction in his sentence. He will also be eligible for parole based on good behavior.
Wirkkala declined to give a statement at the hearing.
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