
Letter to the Editor: When other people’s money run out

When other people’s money runs out

Supporters of Sanders, Warren and others who campaign on free health care, free college, guaranteed income and other nonsense should look at the situation in France. Years of promises of less work, guaranteed pension with early retirement and other perks enacted by prior socialist administrations over decades has come to an end. Other people’s money to fund such pie-in-the-sky living through reliance on government has finally run out. History documents clearly the demise of societies which embrace wealth distribution. All the fires, looting and work stoppages in France will not produce more money, but only lead to further decline in the French standard of living. All the pain Frenchmen are experiencing could have been avoided. We, the U.S.A. do not need to feel their pain by following the same course.

Robert Peraino

Franconia, NH

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