
Selectboard Chair resigns amid formal complaint, plans to serve out term

By Layla Burke Hastings
[email protected]
WEATHERSFIELD, Vt. — Kelly Murphy tendered her resignation as the Weathersfield Selectboard chair Monday night, but emphasized that she intends to remain on the board as a member. Assistant Chairperson David Fuller will assume the position of chair.

In an official letter of resignation effective at the close of the meeting, Murphy cited two reasons for her decision, “prompting this decision is the is the fact the amount of time required for town business has greatly exceeded the typical commitment level of the chair’s position since the town manager resigned on September 23.”

Murphy continued. “At no point should my limited availability impact the work of the town.”

Murphy promised that although she has decided to step down as chair, Murphy said she would continue on the selectboard until her term was up.

“I will certainly continue my commitment on the selectboard until the end of my term,” assured Murphy at the town meeting.

The second reason for her resignation as chair cited a citizen complaint at the Jan. 6 selectboard meeting.

“In addition, a formal citizen complaint filed against me on January 6 claims that ‘employees of the town office have been direct to not have any contact with Darrin Spaulding whatsoever,’” Murphy’s letter read. “And that I have ‘threatened the employment of an employee.’”

Murphy added a recommendation that these complaints be examined closely without any roadblocks that would stem from her position on the selectboard.

“These publicly documented accusations must be thoroughly investigated with no perceived barriers to this investigation,” Murphy said in her statement.

After brief deliberation, Selectperson Mike Todd made a motion to accept Murphy’s resignation as chair.

Selectperson David Boyer seconded the motion and the board — with Murphy abstaining — unanimously accepted her resignation.

“The two complaints are filed down at the town office. It’s public record,” said Darrin Spaulding, fire chief at the Ascutney Volunteer Fire Department.

In an interview with the Eagle Times Tuesday, Murphy restated her position.

“I felt that the investigation into this complaint filed against me would be more transparent and free of any perceived interference if I stepped down from the chair position,” she said.

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