The 744th Transportation Company of the New Hampshire Army National Guard based in Claremont is offering a special enlistment bonus for qualified high school graduates who sign up for a six-year enlistment. According to First Lieutenant Bernie Cornell, commanding officer of the 744th, qualified men or women who enlist now are eligible to receive a $1,500 bonus or a bonus of $2,000 worth of educational funding. “What we are looking for are good people to fill the vacancies for the slots we have in this unit. We’re specifically looking for truck drivers and men in leadership positions,” Cornell said.
The 1978 citizens tax revolt must seem a little more than a paper tiger to the Claremont School Board. It’s not that their budget is extravagant. In fact, the board gave tentative approval Wednesday to a quite conservative athletic department budget. The budget for athletics is one of those over which the board has great control, being free from costly state and federal requirements. It’s simply that no taxpayers attended the week’s work session on the budget growl or even whimper. Attendance at last week’s session was equally dismal. To date the cutting in the school budge this year is being done without prodding from taxpayers by he administration.
It could cost a lot more this year to use the city landfill or put up a new building. The City Council Wednesday night began reviewing the proposed 1979 city budget by examining the revenue section—the list of monies coming into the city. Councilor Norman Zilch asked if here were any fees or licenses that could be raised to help boost revenues in specific areas and City Manager Jerry Maxwell suggested fees be raised for the city landfill use and for building and subdivision permits. “If we want to look a the proportional cost of operating the landfill, we have to charge $10 a permit instead of the current $1,” Maxwell said.
Lymen Cousens, chairman of the Newport Hospital 1978 Benefactors’ Drive, has announced the end of a very successful campaign to raise funds for needed equipment in the radiology department. A total of $5,090 was contributed. The purpose of the yearly drive is to accumulate money for capital expenditures not included in the hospital budgets. Benefactors were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gauthier, Encore Shoe Corporation, Dr. Herbert S. Gates of Washington, D.C., LaValley Building Supply, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kulesza, Dr. and Mrs. Volker Bradley, Rudy Mortensen, Mr. and Mrs. George Dorr Jr., Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Maxfield, Dr. Robert Friedlander, Sugar River Savings Bank, Roy M. Malool, Mr. and Mrs. Chester McSpadden, Newport Savings Bank, Woodlawn Nursing Home, Mrs. Jesse R. Rowell, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Kane, Dr. Warren Franz, Alta Shulins, First Citizens National Bank, William B. Ruger, John W. McCrillis, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Terhune, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Pike, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin and Louise Kelly.
Rep. Harry V. Spanos, D-Newport, was appointed this week to serve as the House Minority Whip of the 1979 Legislature by Democratic Minority Leader Chris Spirou. Spanos, who was formerly the vice president of the State Senate and had previously served three terms in the Senate as Democratic Minority Leader, was also appointed to the Committee on Constitutional Revision.
Selectmen received notification of the resignation of budget committee member David R. Hendrickson, effective immediately. Hendrickson said a recent change in employment resulting in an evening work schedule prompted the resignation. June Catsam was appointed to take Hendrickson’s place.
The entire faculty at Fall Mountain Regional High School has elected nine new seniors to the Fall Mountain Chapter of the National Honor Society. Glenn Frank, principal, announced that the honored recipients were Carla Chaffee, Jennifer Hayward, Laurie Holt, Greg Greene, Steven Johnson, John Luther, Dennis Molesky, Holly Niemela and Julie Winzheim. They join previously elected seniors, Gerald Brady, Penny Cutler, Jean Graves, Janyce Havlir, Matthew Jurkoic and president Glenn Strout.
Nearly 300 members in good standing of the Claremont Chamber of Commerce will vote next week for six new chamber directors. Nominated to the six posts were Gordon Brenner, Connecticut Valley Electric Company; George Conides, Claremont Coca-Cola Bottling Co.; George Disnard, superintendent, Claremont School District; Richard Farnham, proprietor, Dick’s Sports and Barber Shop; Malcolm Hall, People’s National Bank; Maynard Langlois, Maynards Inc.; William Limoges, Limoges Oil Co.; William Roberts, Claremont Cable Co.; Charles Spanos, Attorney; Henry Weston, Gilbert and Weston Insurance; Norman Whipple, Claremont Paper Co., and Harold Winer, Queen Shop.
Leo Denis of Rochester, N.Y., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Denis of 4 Tutherly Ave., is on an extended vacation in Europe. He is taking in the Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria, and will ski in Austria and Switzerland through the season, then tour the continent.
Mrs. Glenna Todd is presiding officer of the Baptist Philathea Class for the ensuing year, it was announced following a meeting of the group Tuesday evening at the First Baptist Church vestry. Other officers are Mrs. Nettie Darling, vice president; Mrs. Ruby Jones, secretary and Mrs. Kay Johnson, treasurer.
“I have a lot of things to say about your publisher, but I’m saving them for Tuesday night.” Claremont City Manager George Benway snapped this morning. He said, “A newspaper can’t expect to push a city around,” and promised to “Tell Bennett that if he asks for it” at a meeting next Tuesday between the Claremont City Council and members of a former holding corporation on the bankrupt Arrowhead Skiway and King’s Arrow Inn. This attack was sparked by a Wednesday editorial in the Daily Eagle, in which publisher Edward J. Bennett proposed that the city investigate a possible purchase of the defunct skiway as a money-making proposition.
A year-end glance backwards at the new community library reveals an interest in books unmatched in Newport’s history. Librarian Jean Claggett announced to trustees Thursday afternoon that daily circulation jumped from a 94.6 average in 1962 to 128 this year even though library services were shut down for one month. Newport has 13,501 books in the library and in 1962 total circulation jumped 7,095 to a new annual record of 35,668.
Towle’s annual one-act play presentation will be viewed on Jan. 16 from the stage of the town hall. Cast members in the three plays are Linda Snyder, Arnold Karanko, Cheryl Demetrakopoulos, Jack Starr, Katie McCarthy, Daniel Murphy, Cynthia Harlow, Paul Merrigan, Pamela Juris, Kathleen Pavlik, James Parker, Calista Teague, Stuart Jones, Kathy Lewko, Michael Tenney. Gail Emerson,. Edward Goyette, David Young, Brian Sargent, Sandra Zullo and Mary Jasinski.
Marine Sgt. David R. Amidon, son of Mildred Amidon, Newport, and Alton L. Amidon of Reading, Vt., returned to Parris Island, S.C., and joined his wife and three daughters Dec. 12 after completing his course of Military Police School Criminal Investigation Fort Gordon, Ga., Sgt. Amidon finished fourth in a class of 37.
A 6-pound, 14-ounce boy, Mark Alan Wilson, is the first Newport baby of the New Year. Mark is he son of Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson, Claremonters who live at 65 Pearl St.. He was born on Jan. 3 at Newport Hospital.
Heather Billings, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Billings, celebrated her third birthday with a family party last Sunday. Present were her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Conroy, their son, Wayne, and their daughter, Penny, Newport, and her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Billings, Sunapee. Also present were a great-aunt, Mrs. Everett Davis and her daughter Virginia, and Heather’s infant sister, Roxanne. Mrs. Billings baked a bunny cake for her granddaughter.
At a business meeting it was decided there would be no service a the Methodist Church during the months of January and February. Regular services will start on March 2.
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and daughters were in Springfield, Mass., last Saturday for a day of shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Banks have returned to town and are living in the trailer park in South Charlestown.
Wayne Miller has enlisted in the Army and left for training last week.
Byron W. Richards reported for work last Saturday after being confined to his home for three weeks with a broken ankle.
Misses Susan Eaklor, Kathleen Forest, Donna Pillsbury, Joanne Mohla and Diane Moulton, members of the Methodist Youth Fellowship, joined a Newport MYF group to sing Christmas carols at Woodlawn Manor in Newport.
Mrs. Leonard Lewis was re-elected president of the Church Service League of Trinity Church, at the annual meeting held at her home on Thursday. Other officers are Mr. Robert Brooks, first vice president; Mrs. James Prendergast, second vice president; Mrs. Carl Guild, secretary, and Mrs. A.M. Jewell, treasurer.
The Flat Rock Y Club organized last evening under the direction of its leader, Lewis A. Primer Jr. Officers elected were William Smith, president; A. Gale Bastian, vice president; Clifford E. Silver Sr., secretary, and Harry (Buddy) Doten, treasurer. Other members of the new club are Paul Dansereau, Wayne Stillson, Lawrence Gould, M. Don Fletcher, Brian Karl Bogle and Lawrence A. Evans.
Under the co-chairmanship of Robert Staff and Robert Little, the Junior Chamber of Commerce is completing plans for its annual paper and scrap drive to be held in the city tomorrow and Sunday. Assisting in the drive are committee members Michael Luckray, Llewellyn Franklin, William B. Frost Jr., Henry Patten Jr., Richard Eddy and Clyde Smith. Proceeds of the drive will benefit the Jaycees’ child welfare fund.
Claremont’s most ambitious and successful Christmas promotion scheme, which has been credited with boosting retail sales during December, was over the top and paid for today. An unprecedented total of $5,180—an amount greater than any other ever charged for one program, has been collected by assessment among the city’s major industry, merchants, and professional members, of the Claremont Chamber of Commerce.
Jarleth M. Slattery of Sunapee this morning took the oath of office of commissioner to perform the duties of solicitor for the County of Sullivan in the office of John McCrillis, clerk of Superior Court. Mr. Slattery was reappointed commissioner after the Superior Court declared the office vacant when Howard H. Hamlin of Machias, Maine, formerly of North Charlestown, failed to appear and take his oath of office.
Nick Coidakis has returned from a two-month trip to St. John, New Brunswick, Canada.
The annual parish supper of the Church of the Epiphany will be held on a Tuesday evening in the May Silsby Memorial Hall. Mr. Leo Mayette, Mrs. Miriam Delaney, Mrs. Leslie Pike and Mrs. Remington Woodhull will be in charge of the supper.
Richard McAllister, son of Mrs. Ruth Winter, celebrated his fourth birthday at a surprise party given at Pratt’s Joyland Wednesday afternoon. Those who attended the festivities were Susan Henault, Carol Henault, Judy Kerr, Susan Haubrich, Diana Haubrich, Caroline Smith, Caroline Brault, Glenna Brault, David Cusick, Tony Bergeron and Warren Winter.
The board of directors of the Newport Chamber of Commerce unanimously voted at a meeting held last evening to unconditionally support Newport Selectmen and the town counsel in their recent protest over a proposed electrical rate increase for Newport. Following last evening’s meeting in the Winston Hotel, Leslie Pike, chairman of the board, declared that, “The selectmen are pleased with the knowledge that the board of directors of the chamber of commerce are willing to back us up in our efforts to establish the necessity of a rate increase and would appreciate any help they can give us at the hearing.
Figures on Sullivan County relief cases were received yesterday from the New Hampshire Department of Public Welfare through the office of Mrs. Helen Bartlett, agent for the county commissioners. Little change from November was noted in the current report for the month of December. Thirteen families representing 50 persons received $735.78 devoted to medical care. In November, 18 families of 58 persons received $745.62 in direct relief.
Miss Ann Gobin, the second winner of the National Grange essay contest, was a former member and officer of Sunapee Mt. Juvenile Grange.
Miss Priscilla Holmes from Keene Teachers College spent the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holmes.
A meeting of the 12-20 Club was held Saturday evening at which time Patricia Howard was elected secretary and Stanley Palmer treasurer to fill the vacancies caused by members leaving town.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winter were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winter in Newport Monday evening. Mrs. Winter and infant son, Timothy, arrived home from the Carrie F. Wright Hospital Monday afternoon.
The Miller Brothers have opened their sawmill in Guild again after a shutdown of about six weeks.
The Daily Eagle is now on sale at the Community Store (Rowe’s) every day except Sundays and holidays after 4:30 p.m.
Capt. Parker Snow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snow, sailed from Camp Stoneham, Calif., for Okinawa. His wife and son will remain in Georgia for a while.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fisk are parents of Cedric Cecil, born at the Bellows Falls hospital Dec. 31.
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