Like the military, firefighters worried about the worst possible case. When the only warning about a possible conflagration is a single phone call, you have to be prepared to respond with enough punch to snuff out the biggest fire you can imagine in the city you’re covering. That, simply, is your job. And that’s what Claremont Fire Chief William H. Sullivan will put it when he goes before the city council Wednesday to ask for the biggest single fire equipment purchase ever for the city. The department is asking for two new fire pumpers, which Sullivan said will allow the department to respond faster and harder to any fire — and pumpers that will cost the city $165,000 over the next 10 years
Paul Lavigne, who once found life in Claremont almost unbearable, will return to this city as the guest speaker for the 23rd Annual St. Joseph’s Sports Night on Feb. 7. Stevens High School was Lavigne’s first head coaching slot and life was not very much fun for Lavigne in Claremont. At one stretch his team lost 20 straight games and three years ago he left town and took a physical education position and head football coach position at Milford High School. Lavigne has never coached anything but state champions in Milford. In three years, his clubs have won 26 of 32 games and three Division II titles.
The initial recommendation for a new municipal garage was presented to selectmen Monday by their representative on the study committee, Ronald Pfenning. The garage, if built, will house town and school vehicles in an effort to cut costs. A ballpark figure for the cost of construction of the proposed building is about $364,500. The figure does not include site work, the cost of which could vary extensively, according to the site chosen for the building.
After years of overspending the budget, the Town of Newport completed 1978 with $71,527 in surplus, according to figures released Monday night by chairman of the selectmen, Ronald Lemay. Lemay said the figures are not final because the audit has not yet been conducted. However, he took credit for the surplus, saying it was due to tight management while he was acting town manager from October through December. Knowing the budgets were tight, I sent out a memo in September stating that all expenditures by department heads had to be approved by me,” Lemay said.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Karanko Jr., Helsinki, Finland, have returned home after spending nearly three weeks with Mr. Karanko’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Karanko Sr., Knoll Street, and visiting relatives and friends in the area.
Fabrice Sanborn, Newport News, Va., has returned home after spending a week with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cornwell, South Main Street.
Photo Caption—Little Princesses, whose special skit Feb.15 will be a highlight of Newport’s 63rd Annual Winter Carnival, are, from left, front row, Katherine Merrill, Heidi Corbett and Heather Handfield; second row, Tracey Demond, Laura Cummings, Tracy Charles, Nicole Robertson and Carrie Pfenning; third row, Corinne Haselton, Lisa Brykl, Rene Menard, Denise Colby and Robin Clifford; last row, Rachel Truell, Aimee Wentzell, Kelly Wade, Amy Stevens and Korrie Onnela.
Mrs. Hans Raum Sr., Philadelphia, has returned home after spending two weeks with her daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Moore Jr., and sons of Springfield Road.
Grace Hopkins, a student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jillette, Brickyard Road.
“The road to good education is always under construction,” Supt. of Schools George Disnard told Claremot Rotarians at the Tuesday luncheon meeting. The topic of his talk was, “Education in Claremont—Present and Future.” Quality education is the first consideration the school head said, and this asset the city has. Citing the higher institutions of education, which Stevens graduates enter, he said in most instances they are able to gain admission at the college of their first choice.
Mrs. Anna Sanborn was installed as president of the Green Mountain Barracks Auxiliary at the group’s Feb. 5 meeting held in the Legion Home. Mrs. Lorraine Gonyea was installed as senior vice president; Mrs. Cassie Mills as senior vice president; Mrs. Anna Bonneau, treasurer; Mrs. Erma Blodgett, secretary; Mrs. Ethel Dowse, chaplain; Mrs. Yvette Gagnon, conductress; Mrs. Irene Jones, guard; Mrs. Sophia Webster, historian; Mrs. Mable Hadley, musician; Mrs. Olive Ayer, flag bearer; Mrs. Mildred Beaulieu, instructor; Mrs. Ina Baldacci, Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Rena DeCamp, trustees, and Mrs. Hazel Raymond, Mrs. Lilla Hall, Mrs. Isabelle Hill and Mrs. Nellie Charron, color bearers.
James Cragin was elected president of the Claremont Chamber of Commerce last night by the 22-member Board of Directors meeting at Cote’s Restaurant. He succeeds Jack Cassle. Other officers are Dr. Edward Kane, first vice president; Philip Beaton, second vice president, and Mrs. Rowena Daniels, secretary-treasurer.
Lloyd Graves, who is associated with Shawmut National Bank, Boston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rochford. Syndicate Street, Saturday. He is their nephew.
The Board of Selectmen reappointed George A. Dorr Jr. to the Town Planning Board at its meeting Jan. 15. Mr. Dorr’s reappointment was moved by Selectman Raymond Barrett, seconded by Selectman Donald Conroy and made unanimous by Chairman of the Board Maurice Cummings.
Three newspapermen and two other citizens were ordered out of a meeting of the Newport Board of Selectmen by Chairman Maurice H. Cummings Feb. 8. Mr. Cummings had asked Selectman Ray Barrett if he wished to have an executive session and Mr. Barrett replied Mr. Cummings is chairman and left the decision to him. The third selectman, Bud Conroy, was not consulted on the decision. Following a five-minute report by Town Manager Alvin Heidner. Mr. Cummings then said, “The meeting is adjourned and we will now go into executive session. Mr. Spanos, you may stay.” Atty. Harry V. Spanos, town counsel, was the only other person present at the meeting.
A public hearing on the application of Newport Savings to open a branch bank at the junction of Routes 11 and 103B in Sunapee will take place at 10 a.m., Wednesday in Room 100 of the State House, Concord.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Goyette and their four children have moved into their newly purchased property on Cooper Square, Sunapee Street, the former Lindholm Block, and plan to re-establish their business on the ground floor quarters. Mr. and Mrs. Goyette operate the Newport Laundromat on Central Street. The business will be relocated in quarters formerly occupied by a jewelry repair shop operated by J.A. Nadeau.
Douglas George is employed on a welding job at the new building of the Merrimack Farmers Exchange, Bow.
Mrs. Merrill Tilley and her son, Randy, Claremont, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Butcher, and her brother, Bradley, Saturday.
Jean A. Gendall, Claremont, and Mrs. Robert Fogg, Croydon, members of the Rockefeller-for-President Committee, were in town Feb. 2.
Andrew Coutermarsh was the guest of honor at a party honoring his 78th birthday, Friday in the home of his daughter. Mrs. Coutermarsh was present. Also, his granddaughter, Mrs. Robert Billings and her two daughters, Heather and Roxanne, and another daughter, Mrs. Everett Davis and Mrs. Mertie Flansburg.
Mrs. Hazel Anthony, Seven Hearths Country Store, is spending several days in Boston.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yurgeles, Elizabeth, N.J., spent the weekend here with their son, Michael and his family.
Mark Rissala, Newport, spent several days recently with his aunt, Mrs. Leon Huot, Croydon Flat.
The 13th annual Police Ball was held on Washington’s Birthday at the Stevens High School. Karl Rohde and his orchestra from Boston gave a concert and played for dancing. Other entertainment included several acts of vaudeville and the traditional Storm of Colors.
A talent show sponsored by the eighth grade guidance class was given at the Claremont Junior High School under the direction of Mrs. Frances MacBain. On the program were an assortment of piano, trumpet and vocal numbers, pantomimes, monologues and dancing. Participating were Gary Densmore, Nancy Bressell, Marguerite Daniels, Glenn Shaw, Donald LaPlant, Bonnie Stoughton, Elaine Sandonsky, Kathy Davis, Norman Dugas, Susan Leahy, Katherine Pilotte, Jerry Gilchrist, Patricia Moody and Susan Lovejoy. Musical numbers were coached by Mrs. Mary Disnard. Student chairmen were Cynthia Colby and Gale Quimby.
Mary Rowell was named queen of the Newport Winter Carnival at the Coronation Ball. Other candidates were Joan Stelljes, Avis Wallace, Sharon Eaton, Sharon Hudson, Beverly Barker, Holly Pariseau, Lorilee Leavitt and Sally Gobin. Miss Debra Alto was named Carnival Princess. Other Princess candidates candidates were Carla Reivo, Debra Eaton, Tammy Ann Shultz, Denise Merrill, Joni Gayle Jennison, Brenda Lee Richardson, Rochelle Cusanelli, Ann Leone, Deborah Ann O’Connor, Kathleen Pollari, Mary Charlotte Pollard, Patricia Ann Richardson, Holly Lynne Morse, Sharon Rego and Diane A. Demetrakopoulpos.
The Rev. Mr. William F. Brown is celebrating his 20th anniversary this week as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Newport and the Goshen Community Church. His pastorate sets a record for Baptist churches in the state at the present time and is the longest in the church history of Newport for all congregations.
Morris Penniman celebrated his 81st birthday on Feb. 15 with a birthday dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Davis and family. Mr. Penniman, the last person in Meriden to drive a horse and sleigh, was a familiar figure in that rig whenever there was snow on the ground, wearing a big coonskin coat, and he was in constant demand for hayride parties by the young people. He is active in the Congregational Church, where he donated the organ and is president of the Meriden Bird Club.
Mrs. Robert Staff of South Street entertained Beta Sigma Phi at her home last evening. Miss Mary Mauroyenis gave an educational lecture on modeling.
The City Council took one more step last night toward alleviating Claremont’s water situation. City Manager Philip L. White was instructed to find out how much professional water engineers would charge to investigate the possibility of utilizing Red Water Brook as a supplementary source. The engineers would be asked to estimate the cost of utilizing this brook and of tying it in with White Water Brook.
Robert Bailey, grandson of Mrs. Lillian E. Bailey of 19 Cottage St., has returned to the Eastman School of Music, Rochester, N.Y., after spending two weeks with his grandmother.
Mrs. Flora M. Bailey, nurse at Joy Manufacturing Company for 16 years, resigned her post, the company announced today. The company said it understood Mrs. Bailey and her husband, Chauncey H., manager of Smith Auto Sales, plan an extended trip to the West Coast. On their return they will again take up residence at their home at 246 Broad St., it is understood.
The Past Noble Grands Association met recently in the ladies parlor of IOOF Hall and elected the following slate of officers: president, Mrs. Grace Scher; vice president, Mrs. Elizabeth Bean; secretary, Mrs. Margaret Elmer; treasurer, Mrs. Emma Morgan.
Richards School Grade 4 Notes—Allan Bartlett, Margaret Hamilton and Chester Cheney have returned to school after their absence due to sickness. The following children received 100 percent Monday on their new spelling words: Ruth Blomquist, William Matheson, Judith Goyette; Carleton Barton, Freeman Barton, Ann Bryant and David Hirsch.
More than 450 Newport hedgehogs bit the dust for bounty purposes in 1948, according to a year-end summary of bounty payments recorded in the office of Town Clerk Leon E. Fitts. Of the 451 bounties paid for hedgehogs, 48 were paid to Walter Gintowt, who collected for the largest number killed by one bounty collector in the town. Jack Harding was next with 25 bounties and Frank Pollard collected on 10. Bounty pay is 50 cents for each hedgehog nose.
Earl A. Pollard, 27 Prospect St., cashier of the First National Bank, has accepted the chairmanship of the general public campaign final phase of the program to subscribe $350,000 for a new Carrie F. Wright Hospital, it was announced this week by Jesse R. Rowell, chairman of the building fund effort.
Esther Chase Wiggins was a weekend guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Burton F. Cady and family.
Mr. and Ms. Charles Winter were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winter’s in Newport Monday evening. Mrs. Winter and infant son, Timothy Rowell Winter, had arrived at home from the Carrie F. Wright Hospital that afternoon.
Paul Hamlin, who is attending New Hampshire State College, and Maurice Beaulieu Jr., who is attending a college in Massachusetts, spent the weekend at their homes.
Miss Priscilla Holmes of Keene Teachers College, spent the weekend with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Walter R. Holmes and family. She assisted Ruth Almeder in the Post Office.
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