Past Times

Croydon hot lunch price jumps to 55 cents; Claremont city budget is up 9 percent



Advertisement—Rita’s Real Estate, Claremont: Executive Special. This lovely four-bedroom home has a TV room, family room, formal dining room, and large fireplaced living room, two-car garage, located on a nice lot with an inground pool in one of Claremont’s finest areas, $64,500.

Photo Caption— A check for $6,327 was presented to Claremont General Hospital Administrator Gerald Usery Wednesday by the Ladies Union Aid Society, proceeds of the Hospital Capers production last October. The money is for the purchase of a European compression set, a bone-setting machine. Presenting the check is Eleanor Fletcher, who was co-chairman of the show, with Mary Abbott. At right is Patricia Steinfield, LUAS president.

Call it expansion, call it increased activity, call it planning, but it all comes down to a single word: growth. The city is growing and is expected to grow more. And when City Manager Jerry Maxwell presented a 9 percent increase in the city administration budget to the City Council tonight, city growth is undoubtedly one theme behind the increase. Maxwell will be asking for $590,274 to run the city for 1979.

Michael Beliveau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jules W. Beliveau, West Claremont, has received a $600 scholarship from the University of Rhode Island in recognition of his academic excellence. He is a freshman chemical engineering student at the university.


A special article on the warrant for Newport town meeting March 13 will ask Newport voters to reduce the number of selectmen from five to three. The town went from a three-member board to a five-member board at town meeting in 1973. Soterios “Sam” Saggiotes, who has served with both three-member and five-member boards and has been board chairman, presented selectmen a petition Jan. 22 calling for the article. He said a town of size of Newport does not need a five-member board.

The Riverside Housing Project at Central and Sunapee Streets is costing more than the town appropriated, selectmen said Jan. 22 and its latest activity-purchase of the Coronis Market, Sunapee Street., may go into what the board called “an overrun.” Town Manager William K. Dugan said sloppy bookkeeping during the progress of the project may impair future applications by Newport for grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Riverside Project, a portion of which is to become the Harold Ransom Memorial Garden, is winding down.

Municipal Officials throughout Sullivan County will discuss solid waste disposal problems at a Jan. 18 meeting in the Municipal Office Building. Leon Geil, district engineer with the Sullivan County conservation District, said the intent of the session “is to bring community officials within Sullivan County together to inform them of the status of the area-wide waste disposal system study currently underway.


The Forty-Niners, a Goshen cancer dressing group, organized in 1949, has discontinued its prime fundraising project because of inflation and decrease in membership. For 18 years, these women have been serving dinners for town officials on town meeting day, and for primary elections and general elections, donating all of the food and giving all proceeds to the American Cancer Society. “Remaining members of this group are all retired women and it has become too difficult to prepare menus because of inflationary prices, explained Mrs. Maurice McClellan.


Cynthia Martin, Gray Ledges, has returned to classes at the University of New Hampshire after spending the year-end holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melburn Martin. Miss Martin, with a 4.0 average, has been named to the Dean’s List for the first semester.


Rosa Charpentier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Charpentier, Georges Mills Road, a student at the State University of New York, Stoney Brook, N.Y., will spend the next semester studying in Bogota, Columbia, South America

The price of the hot lunch at the Croydon Village School has risen from 50 to 55 cents.

Carol Sue Gross, a student at Burdette College, Boston, has been named to the Dean’s List for the first semester at the college. Miss Gross is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gross.



Appointments to the Airport Committee of the Claremont City Council were announced Thursday night by Claremont Mayor Charles Puksta. Reappointing himself chairman, Puksta also reappointed committee woman Mrs. Marion Phillips and named newly-elected Councilman-at-Large William E. Boudette Jr. The group will oversee activities at the city-owned Claremont Airport.

Here incoming Claremont City Councilmen will officially join the 1964 governing body tonight at swearing-in ceremonies at the police courtroom New members to be sworn in include William E. Boudette Jr., Councilman-at-Large, Sydney J. Clarke, Ward 1 and Theodore Monetta, Ward 2. Also to be sworn in are the following re-elected members: At-Large, Loui Bonaccorsi and George “Pat” Angus; Ward 1, John Brooks; Ward 2, Mrs. Marion Phillips, and Ward 3, Charles Puksta and Carmine F. D’Amante.

Dolina W. Millar, daughter of Mrs. Julia A. Millar of 79 Myrtle St., Claremont, has begun a two-year assignment as a Peace Corps Volunteer. She is one of 24 Peace Corps Volunteers scheduled to depart for Thailand.

Henry Weston of 43 Woodland St., expected to return to work next week after being at home following a skiing mishap a Okemo in Ludlow, Vt., Christmas Day. Mr. Weston suffered a fracture of a bone in his left ankle, and a minor fracture on the bone in his right foot.


The Newport Golf Club has been renamed the John H. Cain Golf Club in honor of Mr. Cain, now seriously ill in Newport Hospital. James Wright, club president, and Harry Woodard, club champion, last night presented a copy of the resolution changing the name to Mr. Cain in the hospital. The action was taken in recognition of Mr. Cain’s long service to the club.

One of 11 girls will be crowned Newport Winter Carnival Princess Feb. 6 and will receive a brand new bicycle given by The Argus-Champion. They are Sheree Lee Beauchaine, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Beauchaine; Vivian M. Brown, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Beauchaine; Vivian M. Brown, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lenwood E. Brown; Stephanie Ann Dickinson, 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Denis A. Dickinson; Joyce Ann Durgin, 6, daughter of Mr. and Ms. John Durgin; Lisa Marie Goodwin, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Goodwin; Terry Marie Goyette, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goyette Jr.; Angela Legacy, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Legacy; Gay Leone, 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leone; Rosalie May Moultton, 6, daughter of Mrs. Rowena Moulton; Paula Cynthia Sargent, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sargent, and Gaila Welch, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Welch.

Photo Caption—Aurora Chapter 33, Order of Eastern Star, installed new officers Jan. 18. They were front, from left, Madeline Thornton, substitute musician; Frances Blomuist, junior past worthy matron; Mary Willis, associate matron; Walter Heath, worthy patron; Harriet Heath, worthy matron; Rocoe Scranton, associate patron and junior past patron; Ella Pike, Electra; Jacqueline Gobin, associate conductress; Althea Wilcox, warder; second row, Georgianna Nichols, secretary; Shirley Hoy, treasurer; Lucille Moore, chaplain; Agnes Dunham, Ruth; Betty Jane Reid, Martha; Eva Reed, Ada; Marion Harvey,. Conductress, and Howard Harvey, sentinel. Greta Cole, Esther, and Ella Smith, musician, were not present.


Charter members and officers of the newly organized Thespian Association at Sunapee High School include Raymond Hudson Jr., president; Patricia Morgan, vice president; Patricia Slattery, secretary-treasurer, and Joan Bell, Graham Powers, Gary Morrill, Corlyn Hokans, Diane Jones, Barden Flanders and Michael Pratt, members.


Bernard Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, celebrated his second birthday Sunday. Mrs. David Reney and her children, Valerie and Harold, were his guests for lunch. In the afternoon, his aunt, Mrs. Richard Nichols and her husband and their daughter, Cynthia, Guild, visited him. In the evening the Davis family went to North Sutton for supper with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis. Bambi stayed to spend the night there.


A large pickerel was caught through the ice on Spectacle Pond Jan. 7 by Grant Chamberlain. The fish weighed four pounds, three ounces.

Duane Ellingwood, Croydon Flat, shot a 50-pound wild boar Saturday.


Henrietta Kempton visited Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pysz and their family in Coventry, R.I., during the Christmas vacation.


Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Witham and their daughter, Linda, and son, Steven, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Salisbury, South Portland, Maine.


Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith, Mount Sunapee, became the new proprietors of C.H.M. Perkins and Son Store in Mount Sunapee, Jan. 1. The Smiths joined the store staff eight years ago. Former owners, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Perkins, have no immediate plans for their retirement except “to enjoy their six grandchildren.” They also have a son, Chandler Perkins, who is associated with his father-in-law, Seth Lamson, in the New London Agency.



Judge Albert D. Leahy was in Burlington, Vt., last night to participate in a debate discussing the question, “Is the City or Town Manager Plan Desirable?” Judge Leahy took the negative side of the question.

Paul Ruse and his band will make their first appearance here Friday night at Roseland Ballroom’s weekly round and square dance, proprietor Larry Bonner announced today. He added that Mrs. Ruth Rollins, local teacher, who has been instructing in square dancing at the Way School, may bring her class to Roseland for a demonstration.

New Officers at Claremont Grange 9 were installed at a meeting in Grange Hall last night. They are: James Moore, master; Mrs. Delphine Moore, overseer; Ralph Emerson, lecturer; Norman Dunbar, steward; George LeClair Jr., assistant steward; Mrs. Gertrude Emerson, chaplain; Mrs. Pansy Penniman, treasurer; Mrs. Bertha Weed, secretary; Clifton Parkinson, gatekeeper; Mrs. Cassis Mills, Ceres; Mrs. Mildred Avery, Pomona; Miss June Tashro, Flora; Mrs. Pauline William, assistant steward, and Mrs. Ella Darrah, executive committee.

Mrs. Helen Cushion of Houghton and Simonds has returned from Boston where she attended an infants and children’s show earlier this week.

Peter A. Savoie of 75 Pearl St., has resigned as a call member of the Claremont Fire Department, Fire Chief Esmond Dansereau announced today. Mr. Savoie was captain of the Hose Company and coremaker in the foundry at Joy Manufacturing Company. Lt. Elmer Bergeron will temporarily replace Mr. Savoie.


Students in Miss Mahoney’s Primary School room are doing addition and subtraction facts over 10. Best work was done by Charles Dziedzie, Glendon Belden, Phyllis Conroy, Claire Andrews, Lawrence Cunningham, Robert Burns, Winfred Davis, Kendall Flint, Shirley Chartier, Jean Flanders, Graham Clark, Albert Clement, Sandra Devenger, David Bennett, Judith Arlin, John Hall, Edith George, Bruce Coggeshall, Georgia Economu, Lawrence Bussiere, Sherman Ludwig, Barbara Brown and Bonnie Gardner.

The announcement of 35 committee heads and members was made this week after the American Legion Minstrel Show Committee after the Veterans Club met Wednesday night to discuss plans for the event which will be held under the direction of Charles Jobes on April 18 and 19. Minstrel Show chairman Nat Daimont and his co-chairmen Clinton Corliss, Louis Willett and Charles Aiken, announced that Francis Collins has been appointed secretary and Leslie Pike, treasu­rer.

Plans for an oyster stew supper for “those who like oyster stew and some other kind of food for those who do not” were made at Sunday’s meeting of the Pilgrim Youth Fellowship at the South Congregational Church. Jacqueline Kelley is in charge of the supper.

More than 100 firefighters, visiting firefighters, guests and fire chiefs from eight nearby towns assembled in the Fire Hall Saturday night to celebrate their annual Pay Night Dinner. Highlight of the dinner was the request of Merton Sargent, prominent Newport realtor and former firefighter, that some action be taken by the Town of Newport to acquire the land immediately adjacent to the Fire Hall. At the present time it is occupied by a vacant building formerly used by Sunshine Bakery. Sagent said conditions in the Fire House are obviously crowded and for the safety of the community and the more efficient operation of the Fire Department, some steps should be taken to acquire the land and erect a wing to the present Fire House.


Mrs. Annie Sorento visited her daughter, Mrs. Russell Emery at the Claremont hospital, Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Florence Sheldon and daughter, Janet, were in Boston from Friday to Sunday and attended the Ice Capades.


The officers of Beaver Juvenile Grange were installed Sunday. They were Barbara George, master; Terry Rudner, overseer; Shirley Patten, lecturer; Ernest Carpenter, steward; Malcolm Patten, assistant steward; Shirley Evans chaplain; Jacqueline Kezar, treasurer; Evelyn Carpenter, secretary; Melvin Macie, gatekeeper; Frances Carpenter, Ceres; Lorene Patten, Pomona; Lois Whitcher, Flora and Natalie Patten, Lady Assistant Steward.


Perley Newton, Selectman, and Road Agent Daniel Fellows, attended a road meeting in the Center, Friday night.


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rainey were guests of the Buswells at an anniversary dinner on Sunday. After a delicious meal the party spent the afternoon at Mt. Sunapee State Park.


Mr. and Mrs. Norman Flint left Monday for Boston where they boarded a plane for Columbus, Ohio, and their home. Mr. and Mrs. Flint came home for the holidays. They spent much of their time with Mrs. Flint’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fairbanks of Newport, and at the home of Mr. Flint’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Flint.


Alfred Oliver, Gordon Oliver, Eugene Powers, Herbert Smith, and Miss Jane Chworowsky returned to the University of New Hampshire after enjoying a two-week vacation at their respective homes.

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