Past Times

St. Mary hoopsters win double-header to qualify for tournament play



Reacting to a warning from the State of New Hampshire and a recommendation from the Sullivan County Engineer, the city council Wednesday night decided to appoint a committee of citizens to study alternatives to solid waste disposal in the area. After a one-year study of this city’s Newport Road landfill site, New Hampshire Director of Solid Waste Thomas Sweeney determined, “The operation of your landfill leaves a great deal to be desired both from a sanitary and a public health viewpoint.

Beginning today, magazine dealers will be forced to limit the “display of materials which are harmful to minors.” After a close voice vote with Mayor Charles Puksta electing to cast what may have been the tiebreaker, the city council voted into law City Ordinance 178. Storekeepers are in violation if they do not place so-called “girlie magazines” more than 60 inches above the place a person would normally stand to view the material. Covers must also be wrapped by plain paper wrappers.


Newport Selectman Ronald Lemay said this week that Robert Haselton, who called the selectman’s purchase of leather-covered chairs a frill, has sat in one of those chairs at every Budget Committee meeting, leaving Selectman Arnold Campbell, recently ill, to sit in of the old, iron folding chairs. He also noted that, although Mr. Haselton has criticized him for the electrically heated sidewalk entrance to the municipal building, the minutes reveal that Mr. Lemay was the only selectman that opposed it. Mr. Haselton is a candidate for the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Lemay is serving his second term on the board.

Photo Caption—Senior officers installed recently at the Newport Area Senior Center are, front, from left, Ida M. Dorsey, vice president; Maurice J. Downing, president, and Bertha Brooks, treasurer. Back, Theodora Corron, trustee for one year; Harry Thompson, trustee for two years and Mabel Gallup, secretary. Sally Hirsch, who was elected trustee for three years, will be installed later.

Mr. and Mrs. Cary Whipple, Pine Street, have returned after spending a winter vacation at Fort Myers, Fla.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Karr, Mt. View Lake Road, and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Couture, Sunapee, visited Mrs. George Gale, Mrs. Lucien Gauthier and Postmaster and Mrs. Gaylord Gale, Stowe, Vt., on Sunday.

The 1977 Newport Hospital benefactors’ drive ended Jan. 31 with $13,545 collected from individual contributors and businesses. The amount is nearly three times the $4,630 collected during the 1976 benefactors’ drive. The first drive netted $1,760. The $13,545 includes a $5,000 contribution from Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc.


Voters in the Grantham School District will face three options on school transportation when they attend the school meeting March 8. They will be asked to consider continuing the present 66-passenger feeder bus to transport Eastman students to and from the Eastman entrance or using the large bus and a 44-passenger bus for separate secondary runs both morning and afternoon.


Eileen G. Stiles has been appointed and sworn in as deputy town clerk and deputy tax collector. Joyce P. Hill, secretary for the Board of Selectmen, has served in this capacity for the past six years, but increased duties of both offices has necessitated obtaining additional personnel.

A few contests emerged at the conclusion of the filing period for town offices. Everett A. Seale, Sargent Road, and Bernie A. Ross, present chief, both filed for the position of police chief. Seale is a former policeman in Cornish, Charlestown and Newport.


Gary Davis, Farmington, Conn., spent Saturday and Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis, Springfield. Another grandson, Robert Malone, visited the Davises on Saturday en route to Canada.



Mrs. Eva Poisson was crowned Valentine Queen at a meeting of the Sodality Ladies of St. Anne in the Knights of Columbus Hall Tuesday evening. The crowning by last year’s queen, Mrs. Pauline Latouche, was followed by a program of singing and reading.

Airman Basic Terry W. Cashen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred F. Cashen, 53 1/2 Chestnut St., Claremont, is being reassigned to Keesler AFB, Miss., for technical training as a United States Air Force communications operations specialist.

Rising enrollments, calling for more teachers and more classrooms and scheduled staff pay increases, account for a major portion of the $167,464 increase in the proposed 1963-74 Claremont School District Budget. Total budget, approved by the school board last night, calls for $1,196,778 with $1,95.511 to be raised by taxation or $148.403 more than last year.

Claremont’s First Baptist Church will sponsor and resettle a family of Cuban refugees in the city. According to present plans, a charter flight from Miami will land at the Manchester Airport March 14 with about 20 Cuban families desiring to relocate to New Hampshire.

Advertisement—18th Anniversary Sale, Gene’s Supermarket, Porterhouse Steak and New York Sirloin, 99 Cents Lb.

Cold wind Monday night was too much for a Newport youth dressed as a girl and he took refuge in a hallway, where Claremont police apprehended him. The barelegged and “painted” boy escaped Thursday from the New Hampshire Industrial School in Manchester and made his way to this area. The boy, who was serving times as a delinquent juvenile was taken back to Manchester by industrial school authorities yesterday.


On Feb. 10, at the regular meeting of the Official Board of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Methodist, the members voted to support the terms of a petition in opposition to House Bill 47, providing for a “sweepstakes lottery” in the State of New Hampshire. The paper was signed by Chairman of the Official Board Ernest Reed, and the Pastor, the Rev. Walter Bartlett.

No chances will be sold this year to benefit the Newport Home for Aged Women at 48 Laurel St. Traditionally a chance sale and a rummage sale have been the two public efforts to raise money for the support of the privately maintained institution. The women in charge of the affairs have decided to eliminate the chance sale in support of the current discussion throughout the state on gambling and sweepstakes legislation

The Junior High School spelling champion may be named this afternoon, Finalists Richard Bates and Deborah Holland meet in a spell-down at the close of school today. Faculty advisor to the contest is sixth grade teacher Mrs. Dianne Rochford.

Newport School Board members Tuesday evening said they are “all in favor of driver education” if the voters see fit to support the program. They issued their statement in reference to a special article that will be a part of the school warrant asking re-establishment of driver training at Towle High School. The appropriation approved for this Monday by the Budget Committee was $4,800. Driver education was eliminated from Towle’s curriculum in the winter of the 1960-61 school year.

Vernon R. McIntire, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger McIntire, Green Road, has been elected president of the Airman Advisory Council at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. Airman McIntire, a 1958 graduate of Towle High School, has been in the service a little longer than four years. He was named airman of the base at both Chanute Air Force Base, Ill., and at Sonderstrome Air Force Base, Greenland.


The Intermediate Girl Scouts, working on their child care badge, prepared and gave a Valentine party for 17 pre-school children in the church vestry Monday afternoon. Pre-school guests of the group were Lance Barnes, Donna Laughton, Alison Densmore, Robin Smith, Donny Coale, Jay Steele, Stephen Butler, Debby Gibson, Laurie Gallup, Heather Billings, William Odell, Joanne Nutting, Susan Nielson, David Nielson, Tommy Hokans, Susan Sargent and Brett Wirta.

The spelling bee finals will take place in the new gymnasium this morning. Finalists will be Kathy Alexander, Bruce Gardner, Stephen Hill, Glenn Hudson, Jean MacWilliams, Beverly Morse, Wanda Rollins, Sally Wiggins and Brenda Wright.


A Croydon School budget of $30,175, if approved by voters at the annual school meeting March 6, will require $25,456 to be raised by taxation. Although the budget increase over the previous year is only $59.41, a decrease in anticipated income increases the tax assessment $1,830.

Maurice Nelson Jr. was home for the week after having completed his mid-year exams at Wentworth Institute in Boston recently. He was employed for the week at Shop-Rite, Newport.


Playing like champions, Coach Ralph Silva’s TSDV and SWNHL champions churned over Coach Bob Dailey’s Woodstock Wasps, 52-35 in a TSDL game here last night. Both teams, tourney bound, completed regular season play before a large crowd. Charlestown racking up its second straight undefeated season, 20-0. Woodstock finished at 13-6. Carl McAllister had 15 points to wrap up the TSDL scoring title. He also grabbed 18 rebounds.



Installation of officers by both Canton Oasis, Patriarchs Militant, and its auxiliary, were held at meetings in IOOF Hall last evening. Men installed were Ralph V. Crosby, Harry A. Wirrell, Ralph Moody, Leroy Webster, George E. Mathews Sr., Roland Pratt, Leon Monroe, Alfred Fontana, Richard Prescott and Joseph Manning Jr. Women installed were Mrs. Dorothy Moody, Mrs. Jennie Pratt, Mrs. Anne Matthews and Mrs. Dorothy Fletcher.

A courageous band of St. Mary hoopsters put on as determined a basketball performance Saturday night as has ever been witnessed here by edging both Towle of Newport and St. Ann’s of Gloucester, Mass., in a doubleheader played at the Stevens High gym. By sweeping the bargain bill, St. Mary pulled itself above the 70 percent mark required of state high schools before they can participate in the state tournament at Manchester. The largest crowd ever seen at Stevens High School jammed itself into every available corner and roared approval as the Marians first came from behind to nip a stubborn Towle quintet, 32-28, and then top St. Anne’s, 44-38, in a fiercely fought struggle.

Mr. and Mrs. Forest Carleton of Pine Grove Street entertained at a Valentine dinner party last night. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Merton Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKee and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brown.

Omer M. Russell of 88 Pleasant St., will be among five New Hampshire graduates to be awarded degrees of Doctor of Surgical Chiropody on Monday. Ceremonies will be held at Temple University, Philadelphia, at which time approximately 500 men and women will be awarded baccalaureate degrees.

Marcel L. Pepin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pepin of 87 Elm St., who started a 12-year association with the Montgomery Ward company here in his native Claremont, was transferred this week to that concern’s large store in Lebanon, Pa. He had been manager of the Warren, Pa., store since last March.

William E. Bush is a baritone with the Ithaca College men’s chorus, which will give its first public program Sunday evening in the college theater.

Miss Betty Woodward of Lasell Junior College, Auburndale, Mass., arrived in town last evening to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Woodward of Myrtle Street.


William Learned Bryant, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bryant of Bradford Road, was a winner of honorable mention in a slogan contest conducted in conjunction with the Governor’s Highway Safety Conference held Tuesday in Concord. William is sophomore at Towle High School and active in school affairs. His father is the science teacher at Towle.

The annual meeting of the Newport Chamber of Commerce will be held Thursday evening at the Winston Hotel and will be followed by a buffet supper. Included in the business for the evening will be the election of five directors for a period of three years and the nominating committee has already presented the names of Isaac Budd, Albert J. Gauthier, J. Richard Kelly, William F. Sullivan and Harold Campbell.

In Mrs. McIntire’s room, the following pupils were excused from combination tests, having had five 100’s: Charles Leland, Pauline Osgood, Dianne Roe, Gale Kemp and Karol Karr.

Feb. 12 was Lincoln’s Birthday and it also marked the day George E. Lewis joined the First National Bank 63 years ago. He went to work Feb. 12, 1885 and on Feb. 4 1890 he was made treasurer, a position he held until April 10, 1940. Mr. Lewis then became president and still holds that position. He has been a trustee of the bank since 1892.

Gordon B. Flint, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Flint of North Newport, became superintendent of Union 43 upon the retirement of Alfred W. Smith Feb.1. Mr. Flint had served as assistant superintendent since Sept. 1, 1947. He is a graduate of Towle High School, Class of 1936 and the University of New Hampshire in 1940.


Donald W. Cole, Garnet Road, Sunapee, is one of the current leaders in the $15,000 Metropolitan Miami fishing tournament, having entered a 34-pound, 8-ounce catch in the grouper division. Annexing a prize, citation or award in the tournament is a major angling achievement as it is the world’s oldest consecutive rod and reel angling competition.


Thomas Potter is still in the New London Hospital. I am sure he would be glad to hear from any of his friends.


Edwin Cartier brought a motor run by kerosene to school, which he made entirely of tin cans and bits of wood.All the boys were very interested in watching it work.

Arthur Caron, with the help of Martin Eddy, has constructed a number of trays to fit on the desks, making them level and thereby converting them into tables for use during our lunch periods. When finished they will be covered with oilcloth.


Ernest Frank Baldassaro celebrated his second birthday on Feb. 1. His Grandpa Baldassaro, Aunt Mary Baldassaro and Grandma Williams and several other relatives were present. A nice birthday cake was served.

Mrs. Philip Shaw has been housed during the past week with a severe cold.


Dartmouth College quickly rechecked its alumni records today and with fingers crossed, came up with a new candidate for the title “oldest living graduate.” He is Dr. Hervey A. Tarbell ’78, age 94, of West Allis, Wis. The revised announcement came after Dartmouth had learned that its “oldest living graduate” had been dead for three years.

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