Past Times

Louie Elliott, Newport attorney, is a candidate of N.H. Bar Association



The Washington Street shopping Center was delayed from progressing with construction for a while, but the developer announced the supermarket client is firm and only three of 12 retail spaces remain to be filled. Allen Kaplan, marking and leasing associate for East Bay Development Co., Somerville, Mass., announced Grand Union Supermarkets has agreed to locate at the 11-acre mall. And Grand Union officials indicate their Pleasant Street business will remain. The supermarket chain is confident the Claremont market can support two stores.

Directly discussing the city employee salaries, including the manager’s, the Claremont City Council increased one, cut another and is investigating ways of finding new income to finance the third. The council approved a $1,200 increase for City Manager J. Edward Brookshire after a little more than four months on the job. The manager’s salary was boosted by a unanimous council vote from $25,000 to $26,200 annually.

Discovering rehabilitation of Mill Number One, the cornerstone of the entire mills complex, will cost about $1.1 million, city councilors and members of the Industrial Development Authority debated whether turn back a $75,000 grant and “put the project on the back burner.” Though no votes were taken, the consensus was to request the city attorney develop an opinion on whether the city would be responsible for maintenance and historic preservation if they accept the grant.


Town Manager William Dugan has released a 1980 budget subject to various interpretations. Dugan did not include requests for road maintenance in the budget. Instead, roads he recommends be repaired or maintained will be listed in special budget warrant articles, and voters will decide which roads they want to have worked on. Dugan is letting the voters choose how much to spend on road maintenance, he said, because of the 40 percent hike in costs of asphalt and other oil-based road surfacing materials. If all the road maintenance recommended by Dugan is included in the budget requests, the total represents a 6.6 percent increase over the 1979 appropriation.

After talking with the Newport School Board about how much might be cut from its 198-81 budget request, the Newport Budget Committee voted Wednesday night to slice $28,122 from the board’s request for teacher salaries. The move left the school board with the options of either reducing teacher pay raises below the 9 percent they had planned on, or maintaining the 9 percent figure by hiring three fewer teachers next year.

Louie C. Elliott Jr., attorney, with the firm of Elliott and Jasper, is a candidate for the vice presidency of the New Hampshire Bar Association. The election is in April and the new officers will take up their duties in June. Mr. Elliott has practiced law in Newport since 1971. A native of Oklahoma, he served in the U.S. Air Force for 26 years, retiring as a lieutenant colonel in 1969.


Mrs. Harold Cleveland and daughters, Frances and Julie, Trackville, Ala., are guests of Mrs. Cleveland’s brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klein.


Cindy Morse, who has been visiting her sister, Virginia McTighe, Martinez, Calif., returned home Tuesday to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Morse.


Photo Caption—Youth Government—Sunapee High School students who will represent the school at the 19th New Hampshire State YMCA Youth and Government Program in Concord April 11 and 12, from left, Dorna Wyman, Sallie Becker, Anne Collins, Scott Wassel, Sandy Krajcik, Joe Internicola, Adam Thomas and Steve Cousens.


Mildred Knorr, Greensward, is a part-time volunteer in the remedial reading program at the Lebanon schools.

Mrs. John Royal, North Andover, Mass., is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. E.J. Kimball, Dunbar Hill Road.


The Lempster selectmen are looking for a resident or an accountant to audit the town’s books for the past year. Charles Dow, formerly a Lempster selectman, now living in Guild, who as done the audit for the past several years, resigned as of Dec. 21 and the 1979 books now need to be audited to prepare the town report.



Kiwanis officers recently installed were Roland Morrow, president; Larry Keane II, first vice president; Maurice Wernick, second vice president; Pete Williams, secretary, and Dick Breton, treasurer. Committee chairman are Bob Agel, youth Services; Pete Bump, Citizenship Service; Charles Michaelonick, Club Meeting; Loui Bonaccorsi and Henry Yaffa, Key Club; George Conides, Finance, George Zopf, Laws and Regulations, and Morrow, Achievement.

Officers were installed on Sunday at a meeting of Green Mt. Barracks Auxiliary 2017. They are Lorraine Gonyea, president; Cassie Mills, first vice president; Ethel Fortana, second vice president; Ethel Dowse, chaplain; Anna Bonneau, treasurer; Erma Blodgett, secretary; Maria Mercier, conductress and Anna Sanborn, trustee.

Miss Linda Fontaine, 16, of Elm Street Extension, Claremont, has been named Co-ed Correspondent for the 1965-66 school year, according to an announcement by Miss Margaret Hauser, editor of Co-Ed Magazine. Miss Fontaine, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fontaine, is a junior at Stevens High School. Her appointment was made by her home economics teacher, Mrs. Emma Sweet.


Army Pvt. John T. Thorson, 21, son of Mrs. Madeline K. Thorson, 10 Dale St., was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, N.C., recently. Thorson, a heavy weapons specialist, entered the Army in June 1964 and completed basic training at Fort Dix, N.J. He was graduated from Towle High School in1961.

The new owner of Radio Station WCNL is a New Englander by birth and a Newporter by choice. Chester Steadman Jr. came to Newport because he believes in its future. He believes there is a huge growth potential in the Newport area because of both its industrial and recreational advantages, and he has pledged the resources of the radio station to help achieve it.

Guy Rollins, a student in the electronics school at the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, has returned to the service after a two-week visit with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Colby, and with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Roberts and their family on Reed’s Mill Road.

Jane DeCourcy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward DeCourcy, Unity Road., has returned to the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., where she is a graduate student in medical bacteriology.

Mrs. John C. McCrillis, Cheney Street, has been named to fill a vacancy on the Newport Hospital Aid’s hospital house committee. The appointment was announced at the Feb. 25 meeting of the aid by Mrs. Larry Schneider, president. Mrs. McCrillis replaces Mrs. Robert Phillips.


John Davis, North Sutton, was a Saturday evening guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis.

Erin Lary stayed several days recently with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Patten, while her mother, Mrs. Shirley Lary, moved from Canaan to New London.


Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tutein and their daughters spent the weekend as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Barney, Rochester. Saturday night they attended the Ice Capades in Boston Garden.

Mrs. Doris Kibbey and her son, David, Mrs. Patricia McIntire and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Dent, were dinner guests of Mrs. Edith Sperry, Springfield, Vt., Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. William Gilchrist and their daughter, Robin, and their son, Scott, Newport, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pratt. Mrs. Pratt is Mr. Gilchrist’s sister.

Linda Gallup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallup, celebrated her 11th birthday recently.


Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins Gilbert, Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodwin, Canterbury, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tucker and their daughter, Bonnie Jean, Lebanon, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Small.



Total postage sales a the Claremont Post office hit $99,874 during 1949 while letter cancellations reached $1,796,835, Dr. Charles C. LaLiberte, postmaster, announced this morning. The breakdown of other sales reveal that $484,396 was spent here during the past year for 30,177 money orders. On the other hand, $365,725 was paid out on 23,699 money orders presented at the Claremont office.

Except for welfare costs, the operating budgets of most New Hampshire communities will be about the same this year as last, City Manager Philip L. White of Claremont said at a meeting of the New Hampshire Municipal Managers’ Association held in the Court House here Wednesday. The nine municipal manages present appeared to agree with him.

Miss Betty Jean Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Freeman of Claremont, has been named Good Citizen Pilgrim by Col. Samuel Ashley Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. She was chosen by her classmates and teachers at Stevens High School for her outstanding leadership, patriotism, dependability and service.

Mr. and Ms. Fred Boadway of 229 Pleasant St. are leaving today on a 10-week vacation to California. During the trip they will visit with Mrs. Boadway’s sister at White Plains, N.Y., with her people in Aptos, Calif., and with Mr. Boadway’s daughter, Mrs. V.W. Goodwin, in Los Angeles.


The Newport Fire Department recently held its annual pay night and supper at the Fire Station with some $3,213 being distributed among the five officers and 34 men. The roster of officers and men include Capt. Harry G. Brown, Lts. Cecil Tenney, Edward Karr, John Brooks and Robert Darling, and firefighters Paul DeCost, Lloyd Nelson, Harold Campbell, Reginald Brown, Arthur Gokas, Howard Harvey, Leroy Billings, Paul; Benner, Sherman Wilkins, David Waltz, Charles Robertson, James Wright, Leonard Rochford, Joseph Perry, Charles Anderson Howard Bartlett, Richard Stone Vital Petrin, Walter Dodge, Richard Holland, George Beland, Olin Perry, Harold Maynard, Edward Pariseau, Clifton Fisher, John Ketchen, Barton Cummings, Walter Zielinski, John Anastos, Nicholas Haserlat, Samuel Spear, Kollop Clark, George Hamilton and Raymond Richard.

Register of Probate Bernice M. Sawyer MacWilliams is in Laconia today attending a meeting of the County Offices Association.

Mrs. Carleton Couitt has returned from a recent vacation in Florida and is now at her home on Cheney Street.

Robert Griffith left Newport recently for California where he will be employed. Mrs. Griffith will join him at a later date.

Richards School News (Grade 3)—Our room was happy to contribute two pairs of glasses to the Rotary Club for overseas. These glasses were brought in by John Hall and Donald Lord. We are studying about the Eskimos, now. Good stories and pictures about Eskimos have been brought in by Pamela Nickerson, Marjory Holt, Dorothy Gokey, Edith George, Linda Hurd and Nancy Harding.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Purmort were business visitors in Boston on Monday.

Mrs. Harold Fairbanks and daughter Ann have moved into town for the remainder of the winter and are occupying the apartment of Mrs. Mildred Holmes in the Eagle Block.


Photo Caption—James Wright Sr. and George Gregory of Sunapee were two of our lucky fishermen who caught what is reputed to be the largest catch of pickerel ever taken from Mountain View Lake on the last day of he season. The largest weighed three and one-half pounds and was 24 inches long. The two were accompanied by James Wright Jr.. of Sunapee and Kneeland Nichols of Brattleboro, Vt. Ted Fortune of Sunapee, former fishing champion, was not with the party the day of the catch.


There is a good attendance at the card parties and dances held by the firefighters at the Town Hall Saturday nights. At the last card party, high scores were held by Mrs. Norman Macie and Clarence Mutney and low scores by Mrs. Ralph Morgan and Stanley Currier. Miss Shirley Patten won the door prize.


School News (Upper Grades)—We have six teams in spelling now The captains are Nathalie Forest, Ivan Simoneau, Stanley Lumbra, Bergetta Spears, Doris Strout and Margery Trombley. It is the duty of the captain to see that each student on his or her team studies his words and does his best to bring up his team’s average.


The Eunice Chapter of the OES held is installation service on Monday night in the Masonic Hall. Offices installed were Ruth Raymond, worthy matron; Edwin Morrill, worthy patron; Lavina Thomas, associate matron; Horace Holden, associate patron; the Rev. Louis Reed, chaplain; Maude Reed, organist; Gertrude Stone, marshal; Alice Adams, secretary; Lottie Dodge, treasurer; Esther Denham, conductress; Beatrice Buswell, associate conductress; Dorothy Dodge, Ada; Lillie Moore, Ruth; May Slavin, Esther; Olive King, Martha; Edna Farrell, elector, and Edwin Denham, sentinel.


Wendell Fitch was a member of the state committee of the YMCA which met at Manchester last Wednesday to plan for the year’s work and activities


The new rules for the government of the state prison contain the following bill of fare;

Sunday—Breakfast, baked beans, brown bread and coffee; dinner, fish hash, flour bread and green corn; supper, rice pudding, flour bread, molasses and cocoa.

Monday—Breakfast, flour bread, warm brown bread, molasses and coffee; dinner, corned beef, vegetables and flour bread; supper, flour bread, molasses and cocoa.

Tuesday—Breakfast, Indian meal mush, flour bread, molasses and coffee and in summer, Indian meal mush, flour bread and milk; dinner, fish hash, flour bread and green corn, string beans or tomatoes in their season and in winter, fish hash, flour bread and pickles or apples; supper, flour bread, molasses and cocoa.

Wednesday—Breakfast, corned beef, warm brown bread, flour bread and coffee; dinner, fresh beef soup with vegetables and flour bread; supper, flour bread, warm brown bread, molasses and cocoa.

Thursday—Breakfast, fish hash, flour bread and coffee, and in summer, oatmeal pudding, flour bread and milk; dinner, stewed pears or beans, pork and brown bread, supper, flour bread, molasses and cocoa.

Friday—Breakfast, flour bread, molasses and coffee; dinner, fish hash, flour bread and green corn, string beans or tomatoes, in their season and in winter, fish hash, flour bread and pickles or apples; supper, flour bread, molasses and cocoa.

Saturday—Breakfast, meat hash, warm brown bread and coffee, and in summer, meat hash, warm brown bread and milk; dinner, fresh beef soup with vegetables and brown bread; supper, flour bread, molasses and cocoa.

There are at present 143 inmates at the prison.

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