Past Times

Coach Jack Barry’s Towle Tigers, 14-0, whip Stevens Cardinals



A non-profit local corporation to work on the development of the city’s historic mills has been formed by the city’s Industrial Development Authority According to IDA chairman Peter Burke, the Claremont Development and Preservation Corporation has been legally incorporated to receive grants, borrow money, and acquire property to work toward the redevelopment of the Water Street mills and new industrial and commercial development. “Membership will be opened to the public,” according to Robert Love, vice president of the IDA. “Through the sale of stock at $50 a share, we will go outside the IDA to raise capital necessary to have matching funds for grants and government loans.”

Reflecting the relief on both sides of the contract agreement signed this week, city and fire department personnel were in convivial spirits at the annual Claremont Firemen’s Association banquet Saturday night at Knights of Columbus Hall. Visiting fire chiefs were present from Ascutney, Unity and Charlestown.

The pens moved with a flourish, there were smiling faces for the TV cameras, but it was apparent the disagreements still ran deep. City Manager Jerry Maxwell and Firefighter Victor Bergeron sat down together Thursday and signed a three-year contract, finally ending six months of dispute over how much the city should pay the firefighters. Bergeron said the firefighters were still not happy with the 7.1 percent wage and benefits increase they received. They settled because “we felt it just isn’t time to go to the people of Claremont and ask for the kind of increase we wanted,” Bergeron said.


Newport Ambulance hopes to see an article on the Newport town warrant which will enable the company to buy a new vehicle this year. Royal Wallace III, director of the company, said the 1966 second-line ambulance is ready to be retired and he estimates a new modular-type vehicle will cost $38,000. With $14,000 already in capital reserve and $2,000 more to be added, the article would request town approval for a $22,000 bond issue. The old ambulance has 195,000 miles on it and was rebuild once in 1971, according to Wallace.

The Elizabethan Globe Theater has been recreated by Newport High School students as part of the English Department curriculum. Joyce Bolduc’s ninth and tenth grade students are studying Shakespeare and recreating the atmosphere of his times through innovative projects. Students working on the project were Kirk Noble and Mark Hardy, Mark Swain and Mark Holmes, Jon Gonyea and Bill Chrimes, Ed McElreavy and Wendy Bennett, Joyce Cowie, Dan Kimball, Susan Gardner, Joe Cole and Lisa Millwood. Other students participating are Rose Ann Gentes, Wanda Kilton, Tom Campbell, Lisa Davidson, Jamie Casey, Gerri Goulet, Terri-Ann Patten, and David Hastings.

Kenneth D. Andler, author, artist and retired lawyer, was honored as Newport’s 1979 Man of Achievement and Sophie Paul, town clerk for 20 years, as Newport’s Woman of Achievement at the annual banquet of the Newport Chamber of Commerce. Michael Work, new president, also presented 1979 Citizenship Awards to Malcolm W. Rowell, Lawrence R. Whitney, Madilon P. Karr, Dr. Ralph A. Benson, and Robbie M. Parker.


Jo Ann Clement, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Clement, Lower Village, has been accepted to Southeastern Academy, Kissimmee, Fla., where she will major in ravel. JoAnn is a member of the Class of ’79 at Sunapee High School.


Greg Mayo left Jan. 31 for Cocoa Beach, Fla., where he will take part in motorcycle racing at the Florida tracks.


Kenneth E. Lewis II, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Lewis, celebrated his 10th birthday at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Lewis, Chestnut Street, Claremont. In addition to his parent and grandparents, those who attended were his sister, Rebecca Lin Lewis, and his aunt Virginia M. Lewis. Kenneth received gifts and was taken to lunch at Idlenot Restaurant by his sister, Rebecca. He had lunch on another day at McDonald’s.


Increases in tuitions, teacher salaries and appropriations for contracted services have pushed the Cornish School District budget for 1979-80 up $45,319 over the 1978-79 figure.


The lack of public transportation in New Hampshire’s rural area makes driving a car as much a part of life’s rituals as snow in winter and black flies in spring. But driver’s education has to be considered a “frill,” says Superintendent of Schools in the Fall Mountain Regional District Harry Westcott, when it comes to establishing school budget priorities. School Board members voted Saturday to begin charging $100 per student driver to the pupils themselves. The policy will result in a $35 charge for each student driver beginning in the 1979-80 school year.



Several Claremonters traveled to Concord Saturday night to attend the “Dinner with Governor and Mrs. Rockefeller” banquet held at the New Hampshire Highway Hotel. More than 1,400 people from all sections of New Hampshire made the event the largest held at the convention center. From Claremont to meet the Rockefellers were Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker, Mrs. Arthur Rouillard Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Guay, Robert Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staff, Mrs. John Bourdon, George LaCasse, Dr. Burton Nault and Earl Bourdon.

Advertisement — Two Family Home located in a nice residential area, close to schools and stores, Lot 60 by 100, first floor has a kitchen, pantry, enclosed sun porch, complete bath, two bedrooms and a third bedroom on the second floor, second floor apartment has two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and a complete bath, selling for $11,000, LL Saucier Realtor, Claremont.

Mrs. Phillip Lovejoy of the Union Episcopal Church was elected president of the Claremont Council of United Church Women at the annual meeting held at the Baptist Vestry recently. Other officers elected were Mrs. William Slater, Methodist Church, first ice president; Mrs. Allan Campbell, Universalist Church, second vice president; Mrs. Charles Richardson, Congregational Church, treasurer, and Mrs. Carl Carlson, Episcopal Church, secretary.

The Maple Avenue PTA voted to buy mugs for the school kitchen and to look into the possibility of again sponsoring a Cub Scout Troop at last Tuesday’s meeting at the school. Stuart Carter, principal, reported he has bought nearly 100 books from the PTA Library Fund.


The Board of Directors of the Newport Rotary Club Wednesday voted $100 to assist the Towle High School ski team. The team was reactivated this winter after several years during which it was not an official school sport here. The Rotarians said this was a one-time effort to help the school department buy basic equipment for the team use and to remove some of the financial burden for youngsters competing in this sport.

Town Manager Alvin Heidner said this morning he has been authorized by the selectmen to announce that Lorraine and Dolores streets have been accepted as town streets. The roads in question are in the Birchwood Grove housing development. The only person to appear at the hearing last night was Alex Miller, the developer of this land.

Newport Republicans nominated H. Newcomb Eldredge, Louis Thompson and Harry Woodard as delegates to the Constitutional Convention in caucus Monday. James Maley was nominated as the Democratic candidate for the Board of Selectmen in caucus Monday. Nominated as delegates to the Constitutional Convention were Rep. Maurice Downing, Rep. Harry V. Spanos and former selectman Anthony Kulesza.

Two Newport school children found a recent experience valuable in supplementing their knowledge in natural science. Wilka and Edward Little, children of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little, South Main Street., discovered that a dead bluejay which they found in their driveway in November had been banded 2 1-2 year ago.


Three special articles will appear in the town warrant for voting at the Croydon town meeting March 10. according to Laurence Darling, Grant Chamberlain and Harry Newcomb, selectmen. The articles seek to raise money for purchase of a heating unit for the Town Hall, to install water in the Town Hall and the sum of $100 for Newport Hospital.


The Sunapee Woman’s Club voted at a recent meeting to sponsor an American Indian grade school girl through the Save the Children Foundation. The club met at the home of Mrs. John Walker with school faculty members and the school nurse as guests. Phyllis Osborne showed slides of Stephen Foster’s home in Florida, Laura Billings and Helen Rainey sang a duet. Lucy Colby was hostess chairman.


Volunteer workers for the 1964 Heart Fund drive have been named by Mrs. Joseph Fleming, Sunapee chairman. They are Mrs. Stanley Cutts, Mrs. Joseph Hill, Mrs. Leonard Gibson, Mrs. Philip Johnson, Mrs. Clyde Colcord, Mrs. Charles Weinstein, Mrs. Edward Rollins, Mrs. Barry Smith, Mrs. Mary Coonley, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. George Simms, Mrs. Richard Mathiesen, Miss Marilyn Morgan and Mrs. Robert Gingras.


Mr. and Mrs. William Cote, Plymouth, spent the weekend with Mr. Cote’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cote.

Mrs. Nancy Broadhead is teaching the new class for seventh and eighth graders at Sunday School.



Coach Jack Barry’s tournament-bound Towle Tigers, playing their second game in as many nights, roared through the stretch last night to defeat the hapless Stevens High quintet, 30-17. It was the 14th straight win for the Barrymen. The Red and Black lost its 12th consecutive game of the aging season. John Waldo paced Towle with nine points followed by John Coronis, eight, and Jesse Evangelou, seven.

The only UNH starting basketeer over the six-foot mark, Big Bill Haubrich of Claremont, is the darkhorse this winter on Coach Ed Stanczyk’s Wildcats. The 6-foot, 4-inch sophomore has started every game despite a foot infection, which handicapped him in the pre-holiday assignments. Bill was an all-state in both football and basketball at Stevens High School.

A reduction in Claremont’s tax rate in 1949 appeared virtually certain last night. The City Council approved a city budget of $574,113, excluding school and county taxes. If he proposed budget of $276,229 is adopted and if the county tax rate remains at the 1948 level of $105,109, the total budget will be$954,451. This will lower the tax rate from $40 to $39.50, according to City Manager Philip L. White.

Mrs. Blanche Morin of 78 Pleasant St. attended the Massachusetts Cosmetologist Association Convention held yesterday at the Hotel Statler, Boston. Mrs. Morin is vice president of the Claremont Cosmetologist Association. William Loeb, publisher of the New Hampshire Morning Union, was guest speaker at assemblies of Stevens and St. Mary High Schools yesterday morning. Speaking on “the American Press,” its virtues and shortcomings, Mr. Loeb stressed that the greatest virtue is the fact that it is a free press


John E. Rowe, 15 Columbus Circle, returned home after spending a six-week vacation in St. Petersburg, Fla.

Kenneth Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Smith of Pollards Mills, is at home for a few days from the University of New Hampshire.

Stanley Radford and Arnold Couture are the proud possessors of souvenir balloons from the Truman inauguration sent them by Miss Jean Radford who is employed in Washington, D.C.

Miss Gloria Ducharme is employed at the Corner Pharmacy. She is replacing Mrs. Althea Drew.

Richards School News, Grade 7—We have played basketball in the auditorium several times for physical education. Wednesday we chose our teams. Arlene Mountain is captain of the “Angles” and Barbara Chartrand is captain of the “Devils.”

Miss Phyllis Conroy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Conroy, 92 South Main St., celebrated her eighth birthday Tuesday afternoon. Those present were Pamela Nickerson, Bruce Coggeshall, John and Thomas Hall, Billy Emery, Patty Kiniry, Constance Lewko, Sally Lehr, Martha Cain, Diane Kennison, John Lee, Judy Wilkins, Nancy Smith, John an Beebe Kelly, Barbara Brown, Mary Ann Nelson, Judy Arlin, Jean Woodard, and Philip Conroy.

Advertisement—A&P Tomato Soup, 2 10 1/2 Oz. cans, 19 cents; Spaghetti, 1 Lb. Pkg., 16 cents; Ketchup, 14 Oz., bottle, 19 cents; Indian Rive large size Grapefruit, 9 cents each.


More than 1,000 skiers and ski enthusiasts flooded Mount Sunapee State Park this Sunday after the first snowfall deep enough to cover the $375,000 slopes and allow skiing. The parking lot as filled by early morning, manager David Heald said, and the overflow extended far out onto the highway. More than 500 persons were taken to the top of the ski lift and approximately 700 used the rope tow.


After 40 years, the station named Mt. Sunapee on the Boston and Maine Railroad came back to life yesterday when a group of railroad and state officials took down the Edgemont sign that has designated the name of the station for the past 40 years and officially renamed the station Mt. Sunapee. This was the original name of the station when it first opened in 1886.


The Sunapee Harbor Hotel was totally destroyed last Friday morning by a fire which leveled the building and caused an estimated loss to its owner, Michael Kancer of $60,000 minimum. The fire, fought by firemen from Sunapee, Newport and surrounding towns, was never brought completely under control as the departments battled to keep adjacent buildings including that of the Sunapee Fire Department next door from igniting. Watched through the night, the smoldering remains blazed out anew in the main section of the structure Saturday at 9 a.m. The 70-year-old landmark was purchased in 1942 by Mr. and Mrs. Kancer who came here from Haverhill, Mass.


A veterinarian from Franklin was in town this week testing for T.B. and Bang’s disease.

Mrs. Chester Smith has been confined to her home the past week with a cold.


Miss Myrtie Howe returned Monday to Waltham, Mass., after several days spent at home. Like many, she is having an enforced vacation from her work in the watch factory;

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