Tyler Litevich CLAREMONT — Tyler Litevich, 37, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, June 21, 2020, at his home. A lifelong resident of Claremont, he was born on June 14, 1983, to James and Sara Litevich, also of Claremont. Tyler was a 2001 graduate of Stevens High School and thereafter attended Hesser College, aspiring toward a degree in graphic design. He also graduated from ATS Heavy Equipment Operator Training School. Tyler was a quiet, understated individual, often caught observing and reflecting in the background, yet making his love and presence felt. Tyler appreciated art and was known for his artistic abilities. He loved drawing, painting, photography, and playing the guitar. He also spent much of his time applying his natural athletic talents by playing soccer, participating in archery, skateboarding, and snowboarding. He had an internal daredevil flame, frequently participating in “big air” snowboarding competitions, and constantly pushing himself to “crush” his personal best. Sometimes he even caught too much air and overshot the landing area. Ouch! He had just begun exploring gardening, and as his flowers, peach, and apple trees grow through the years, they will continue to remind us of him. He had a magnetic smile, something many will remember him by. One of Tyler’s deepest passions was being with his daughter, Khloe, 8, as they spent countless hours of belly laughing, sharing their love for animals, and having fun together. Tyler is survived by his daughter; his parents; a brother, Jake Litevich, of Claremont, a sister Caitlin Bednarczyk, and her husband Kurt, of Vernon, Connecticut; and many loving aunts, uncles, and cousins. He was predeceased by his grandparents, John and Julia Litevich, Thomas and Veronica Batchelder, and great aunt Gina Gilbert, all of Claremont; as well as many other loving aunts and uncles. Tyler had a vibrant personality, and was an amazing son, father, and brother who fought hard against the demons that haunted him. In lieu of flowers, Tyler’s family asks that you love and support someone that is suffering from addiction and mental illness, and/or donate to a local facility that helps individuals recover and find their path in life. Visiting hours will be held at The Stringer Funeral Home, 146 Broad St., Claremont, NH, on Friday, June 26, 2020, from 5 to 7 p.m. Graveside services will be held Saturday afternoon, June 27, at 2 p.m. at the West Claremont Burying Grounds on Old Church Road in Claremont. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the funeral home and Litevich family ask all attending the visitation to abide with all regulations and please wear a mask and use social distancing. To view an online memorial or send a private message of condolence, visit www.stringerfh.com
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