
Letter to the Editor: Pleasant changes

I write this letter with great hope and enthusiasm in addressing the members of the Claremont City Council and community concerning the proposed changes to Pleasant Street.

Five years ago, a group I led called the Claremont Citizens Group worked immensely hard to produce several presentations for the city council and residents pertaining to the data collected from all stakeholders. We identified what was then the need for better communication between the city government and the people of Claremont, increased parking, enforcement of existing ordinances and laws for property owners, beautification with planting and maintenance, benches on the street, landscaping and the like.

It was clear then as it is now that changing Pleasant Street will bring small businesses to downtown, allow existing businesses to thrive, increase parking and foot traffic and provide a much better experience for residents and visitors. It was identified that a community pride, community growth and community participation would be brought forth. There is no logical or cost reason not to move forward on this.

The funds needed for this is a simple increase of 3 cents on the tax bill for a property owner. Seems like a reasonable rise for a new water and sewer replacement, a new one-way street, sidewalks, lighting, benches, planting of shrubs, rerouting large trucks away from downtown, additional parking and more foot traffic and business. The $4.8 million is nothing more than a continuation of the bonding happening now, plus 3 cents. Why wouldn’t we do this?

On July 8, the city council will be presenting and deliberating the project. I invite everyone to watch on Channel 10, CCTV where public participation will be allowed.

Please encourage the council to move forward on this project and let’s do this! We, the people of Claremont, need to continue investing in us to draw people to live and participate in our community!

Michael Charest

Claremont, NH

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