
Letter to the Editor: Just one of the reasons why I’m running

Just one of the reasons why I’m running

I am a candidate for the State House to represent Grafton County District 7 (Campton) in Concord. I became convinced it was necessary to run for office after attending Town Meeting on March 10. That night, I witnessed one of the boldest displays of condescension I have ever seen. An Article came up for discussion that dealt with climate change. Courtesy and respect are the focus of this letter to the editor, and not the details of the Article itself.

A number of Campton citizens, including myself, got in line to speak against the Article. As we headed for the microphone line, rude chuckles went up from several attendees. At least one person rose abruptly and walked out of the room. Another individual maintained a particularly arrogant grin as we spoke in turn. Without knowing who he was at the time, I challenged him, and anyone else in the room, to a public debate on the subject. Of course none accepted the challenge — debating a career scientist on the facts apparently did not appeal to them. I later learned that the arrogant grin belonged to our current state representative. It was that display of condescension by an elected official that convinced me I should run for office. Is this what being a “Representative” means these days? Not to me — I will consider it a privilege to represent our District in Concord, and replace condescension and arrogance with courtesy and respect, even when in disagreement.

There is another reason I am writing today. I recently received a letter from an associate of this sitting state representative It sprung directly from that Town Meeting and was a lengthy homework assignment with at least 12 questions and a request for multiple references. I was to answer in writing. Anyone who would like to read this letter and my immediate reply may request copies by telephone or email (contact information is available at AlliegroCampaign.org).

Hopefully, I will soon let your readers know that the challenge has been accepted.

Mark Alliegro

Campton, NH

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