
Pleasant Lake kiosk installed

Jennifer Esten
NEW LONDON — Through a joint project of the Elkins Fish and Game Club (EFGC) and the Pleasant Lake Protective Association (PLPA), a new kiosk has been installed at the public boat ramp area at Pleasant Lake.

In 2019, members of the PLPA felt it would be a good time for an upgrade. They were celebrating their 50th anniversary and wanted to commemorate the event. They reached out to the EFGC, celebrating their 125th anniversary, to see if they would like to help. Representatives of both groups discussed ways to improve the look and functionality of the signage and presented a plan to the town of New London. After receiving approvals from the Selectmen and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, the representatives of the EFGC and PLPA finalized the design and material details for a new and more permanent structure.

The new kiosk is constructed of weather resistant materials, which provide durability and stability, while also providing an aesthetically pleasing look. The kiosk is made up of three sections. The middle has a map of and information about Pleasant Lake and also includes information about boating and fishing. The side panels have information about each of the organizations. All the labor and material costs for the new kiosk were paid for by the PLPA and EFGC.

The PLPA and EFGC are proud to have made this donation to the town of New London. They hope visitors to Pleasant Lake will enjoy the kiosk and the information found there.

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