We started our Phase 1 reopening this last week. It was nice to some folks.
We will be open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. When you enter the center you will sign in, have your temperature taken with a non-contact infrared thermometer, and answer a few health questions. You will also have to sign a waiver. Masks must be worn and social distancing is required. The state of Vermont required that mask as to be worn in all public places as of Aug. 1. I know that thing will look and be different, but we are trying to keep everyone safe and open our center phase by phase.
I understand that some folks may not feel comfortable coming in at this time at that is fine. I do look forward to seeing some of you, and hoping all goes well and we can move into Phase 2 sometime in September by adding some classes and activities. We must go slow and take our time to make sure we do this safely. There will not be any big activities events or card playing at this time.
Janet Hunter, R.N., has offered to continue our foot clinics, as this is an important service to seniors. She will be here the second and fourth Mondays of each month. There are still a few appointments left in August. The fee is still $20 per person. Call to set up an appointment.
I look forward to opening the center slowly and seeing everyone soon. It has been a long five months.
The Senior Center will be closed on Friday, Aug. 21.
If you have any questions about anything above, please reach out to Executive Director Lori Johnson at either (802) 885-3933 or [email protected].
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