This is a reminder that we are closed for August except for Blood Drives, VNA foot clinics, drive-thru meals, Miracle Ear and special events. When we reopen in September, we hope to see everyone there with their favorite mask on. The kitchen staff is looking to start up our monthly Saturday dinner in September. It is planned as a drive-thru. Watch for updates. When we reopen, masks will continue to be mandatory during the pandemic and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and universal guidelines are suggested for all members all the time to protect you and me. The center is for “our members” first and foremost. We thank you for your cooperation and patience on the matter.
The center is planning to begin Bingo in September and the details are in the works. More information to come. Yea!
The Lake Sunapee VNA foot clinic is now open for business. The current schedule is for Sept. 9, Sept.16 and Sept. 23. Unless there are further changes the schedule will be monthly on the second, third and fourth Wednesdays. Call for an appointment at (603) 526-4077.
Keep your eyes on this space for future American Red Cross Blood Drives. This is a selfless life-giving act.
The summer concerts have been great fun. Be sure to keep time open for the concerts in 2021. As the schedule develops, we will keep you informed.
Do not forget to schedule Sunday, Nov. 1, for our Winter Craft Fair. We will have a great variety of handmade items on hand. If you wish to join us with your beautiful wares, call (603) 543-5998 or (603) 542-5798 for an application.
The Penny Sale on May 8, 2021, is still in need of items. They can be delivered to the reception area but call ahead in case we are closed.
Do not forget our weekly meals. Even when the center is closed we continue to host drive-up meals. Check it out, our food is great:
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