
Letter to the Editor: Power to the people

Consider the word “choice”. Sounds simple, but it’s a powerful word because it is empowering. We can employ our intelligence, discernment and some soul searching for healthy results. The upcoming presidential election is predominant on everyone’s mind. We have to really dig deep within ourselves.

Here are the bullet points of President Trump’s resume: divisive, racist, dangerous narcissist, conspiracy theorist and liar. Are these the qualities we want in a leader? Not what I want.

Recently, it was revealed in veteran journalist Bob Woodward’s book, “Rage,” that Trump admitted to downplaying the pandemic. Had he informed everyone as to the reality and urgency, there wouldn’t have been so much devastation. He doesn’t seem to value the lives of others. His agenda is always self-serving. How morally bankrupt is that? We are creeping toward losing 200,000 American lives!

It baffles me on a daily basis how can Trump supporters in any moral or rational sense find his behavior acceptable. Let’s be real, he doesn’t really care about any of us. You are serving a purpose by worshipping him and allowing yourselves to be brainwashed by his delusional rhetoric. You are better than that.

Let’s be part of the solution and unify. We also need to step out of the cocoon of complacency and ask, “What can I do?” I’m not a Hillary fan, but I agree it takes a village. The examples in the news have been heartwarming and beautiful about what people are doing to help others. The hate and injustice must stop.

Yes, fresh blood is needed in the White House and there were many intelligent, capable people on that debate stage. But, I am choosing to believe in former Vice President Biden. The alternative is abhorrent.

Let’s keep this the home of the free and the brave, honoring one another and ourselves. Please exercise your right to vote and choose the higher good.

Natasha Osborne-Howe

Goshen, NH

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