
Letter to the Editor: Not Bob Woodward’s!

I am appalled at the fact that some people are accepting Trump’s excuses for failing to warn the U.S. citizens of the virus’ ability to easily spread through the air. He personally received this dire new information in early February, but did not act until much later.

The U.S., and other countries, were in great chaos at the time, and Trump thought he could get away with hiding/manipulating the true facts for his own political gain.

It was Trump’s duty as president to pull the country together, and to reveal any facts as soon as he received them in order to protect as many lives as possible. Not Bob Woodward’s!

Many, many lives would have been saved, just by having been advised that masks should be put on immediately, because the virus was dangerously airborne. It’s as simple as that.

Think about the lives lost, and remember that the number could have been a lot less. Think about the relatives not being able to comfort their loved ones as they die. And also the doctors and nurses who died of COVID-19. And even the few that committed suicide because of the pressures of the time.

As far as I am concerned, Trump played a very deadly game in this case, and we have all the proof on tape. He should be forced out of office and prosecuted!

Linda Brown

Springfield, VT

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