
Letter to the Editor: Leadership that Claremont needs

I’m writing to endorse Liza Draper, candidate for New Hampshire House of Representatives representing Sullivan County District 5 (Claremont Ward 3). I have known Liza for a number of years. She is an energetic cheerleader for Claremont and brings that energy to bear on issues important to Claremont and more broadly to New Hampshire.

I like the fact that she supports mail-in voting for all voters, not just absentees. A number of states already use mail-in voting, some for many years, and it works well. She supports extending the renewable energy portfolio beyond 2025. This standard requires public utilities to obtain more than 25% of electricity from renewable energy sources. Closer to home, and near to my heart, she supports an increase in state per pupil funding provided to local school districts, an immediate benefit to Claremont.

These positions, together with others, are why I endorse Liza Draper. I urge all residents of Ward 3 in Claremont to cast their votes for Liza Draper for New Hampshire House of Representatives on Election Day, Nov. 3. We need her voice and energy advocating for us.

Allen Damren

Claremont, NH

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