
Springfield Senior Center News: October 3, 2020

We will be hosting two flu clinics on Tuesday, Oct. 13, and Thursday, Nov. 12, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The VNH will be providing these clinics. Appointments will be necessary, please call the senior center to register.

We are looking for subs for our Shuffleboard games which take place on Thursday afternoons. We will be having drop-in Shuffleboard games on Friday, Oct. 16, at 1 p.m. Come on down and try it out.

Walking in the gym will now take place from 11 a.m. to noon every day.

Ceramic classes will now be starting on Monday, Oct. 12. We are limited for room so please call and sign up.

The Santa Claus Club has asked us to put the word out about needing wall calendars for their elderly participants that they deliver to. We will be the collection site for the calendars. Also, the hats, mittens, blankets, shawls, will still be needed this year for the local children.

Foot Clinics are now taking place on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. Janet Hunter, RN, is doing our clinics now. Time slots start at 11 a.m. and appointments are necessary. The cost is $20.

Masks are to be worn at all times in the center, along with social distancing. We are trying our best to comply with all the CDC guidelines in order to stay open and everyone staying safe.

If you have any questions about anything above, please reach out to Executive Director Lori Johnson at either (802) 885-3933 or [email protected].

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