
Letter to the Editor: Keep Tanner in the House

As a resident of Newport, mother to middle-age adults and their middle school-age children, I very much support Rep. Linda Tanner for another term in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. Why?

She was a teacher at Kearsarge High School for about 30 years. As a former teacher and mental health care provider, I know that school is so much more than just an educational system. Kids spend years at school. They learn not only facts and skills in mathematics, shop, and social studies, but how to communicate most effectively over time to accomplish more for themselves and others.

I overheard Linda in a conversation with a constituent who was on the other side of the issues. Linda showed great respect by listening and sharing. I’ve experienced legislators who take over and at rather than with. She was informative and just plain kind. It is not just something she taught, but lives.

I want her to continue in the New Hampshire House. With her thoughtful ideas and terrific energy she follows through to completion.

Madeline Spadola

Newport, NH

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