
Letter to the Editor: Statement on fascism

In the last year or two more people have been writing about the rise of fascism around the world including here in the United States. People in some other countries are suffering tremendously because of inability to meet physical and social needs and some people are being killed as a result of protesting or speaking about what is going on.

Although the examples are not as extreme here in the United States we are witnessing a president who consistently lies, fiercely attacks others, wants to cut programs that benefit the population, counters regulations to protect the environment, and befriends the fascist leaders of other countries.

Buddhist Peace Action Vermont has adopted a position statement on this issue. The statement says in part,

“Buddhist Peace Action Vermont, an organization of socially engaged Buddhists, is very concerned that our democracies are veering in a fascist direction. If left unchecked, it will certainly bring increased suffering to many of us, especially our most vulnerable. Let us reach out to Americans of all views and faiths encouraging a fuller participation in civic life. Each of us has a part to play in protecting human rights and dignity.”

As Vermont and U.S. citizens, we need to be aware of what our leaders are doing that is decreasing our democracy and increasing the wealth and power of a few.

George Plumb

Washington, VT

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