By Turning Points Network
Chapter 188-H, formerly New Hampshire House Bill 705: Sexual Misconduct at Institutions of Higher Education takes effect January 16, 2021, and provides critical support and relief for student and employee survivors of sexual misconduct at institutions of higher learning as well as provisions aimed at preventing sexual misconduct.
Some of the provisions of Chapter 188-H:
— Each New Hampshire institution of higher learning must develop a trauma-informed policy on sexual misconduct, including reporting procedures, emergency and ongoing assistance and resources for survivors, disciplinary process procedures and institutional penalties.
— Biennially, institutions must conduct sexual misconduct climate surveys of all students. Compiled results of the surveys will be posted on their websites as well as sent to the New Hampshire Department of Education.
— Institutions will designate a Confidential Resource Advisor as part of a campus security policy. This person can share at a minimum about counseling, medical and health services available on and off campus and at the local rape crisis center, reporting options, available academic accommodations, investigative and disciplinary processes of the institution, and legal processes.
— Institutions must adopt policies and procedures with local law enforcement to establish the respective roles and responsibilities of each party related to the response and prevention of sexual misconduct that takes place on and off campus in compliance with state and federal confidentiality and privacy laws.
— With guidance from law enforcement and the local rape and domestic violence crisis center, institutions must provide annual sexual misconduct primary prevention and awareness programming for all students and employees of the institution. Programming is to include an explanation of consent as it applies to sexual activity and sexual relationships, the role drugs and alcohol can play on an individual’s ability to consent, strategies for bystander intervention, contact information on the confidential resource advisor as well as information on the institution’s policies and procedures regarding sexual misconduct.
This law also establishes a Task Force on Sexual Misconduct to assist institutions of higher education with compliance with this statute.
River Valley Community College, which is in TPN’s catchment area, has long made a commitment to student and employee survivors as well as prevention of sexual violence. Turning Points Network has provided prevention and bystander programming to students and employees for more than twenty years at River Valley Community College and we remain available to survivors when requested.
For those of you who have family and friends at institutions of higher education in New Hampshire, we hope you will find the time to read all of Chapter 188-H at With the proposed elimination of some supports and relief for students in Title IX, Chapter 188-H is a critical piece of legislation for New Hampshire.
OUR TURN is a public service series by Turning Points Network (TPN) serving all of Sullivan County with offices in Claremont and Newport. We provide wraparound supports for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, stalking and human trafficking and we present violence-prevention education programs in our schools. For more than 40 years, TPN has helped people of all ages move from the darkness of abuse toward the light of respect, healing and hope. For information contact 1.800.639.3130 or or find us on Facebook.
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