It is a pleasure to announce that Olive Pinette has been named the October Elks Student of the Month for Bellows Falls Union High School (BFUHS). Olive, a senior, is the daughter of Lee and Valerie Pinette of Bellows Falls.
Olive is a dedicated student who works hard in her classes. Attentive in class, she is an active participant in class discussions and brings insight and an informed perspective to class activities. She comes to school prepared to learn, gives 100% to her assignments and is always willing to help her classmates if they are struggling. A member of the Marilee Huntoon Chapter of the Jesse A. Judd National Honor Society, Olive is a strong academic student.
Olive is always pleasant, courteous and positive. She sets the tone in class for hard work and is a good sport about whatever is assigned. She gets along great with her peers, and is respected by the staff at BFUHS. Olive has an amazingly warm, positive, infectious personality, and she demonstrates a level of maturity well beyond her years.
As a student who cares about learning all she can, Olive attends school every day and is present on remote days without fail. She is on time and often stays late for questions and clarification of material when needed.
Not only is Olive a dedicated student, but she is a good role model and represents BFUHS and the general community positively. She has played basketball and field hockey for the school, and she has helped at the Youth Field Hockey Program as a coach. Olive wants to be a physical therapist, and this past summer she participated in countless hours of volunteer work at Riverside Medical Associates to prepare for that career. Through this program she went above and beyond in her work with her supervisor and the patients with whom she interacted. She put in extra time researching case information so she would be prepared for her work.
Clearly deserving of recognition, BFUHS and the Elks are proud to have her represent us this month with this award.
Congratulations, Olive.
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