
William Lambers: Seek to build peace on Veterans Day

By William Lambers

On this Veterans Day, take a quiet moment for yourself and think what that tranquility meant to a soldier at the end of World War I. For at 11 a.m. on November 11, 1918, the fighting of that brutal war came to an end. Just seconds before the Armistice there were guns and artillery firing as the United States and allies fought Germany.

Then suddenly there was peace. For Private John Frankovic, of Clifton, N.J., it meant going home, something he thought would never happen. According the Passaic Daily News, Frankovic had survived a gas attack. He wrote, “many times I thought I would never see Clifton again, when I saw my comrades being killed and wounded right alongside of me. Gosh, I think I am lucky after all.”

My own great uncle, Ira Pitzer, was not as fortunate having been killed in battle just eight days before the Armistice.

The horror of the First World War and the 11 a.m. Armistice has been described as going from hell to heaven. Philip Gibbs wrote of the Armistice moment.

“There was no light of gunfire in the sky, no sudden stabs of flame through darkness, no spreading glow above black trees where for four years of nights human beings were smashed to death. The Fires of Hell had been put out.”

Many other lives would be spared because of the Armistice.

Veterans Day (Armistice Day) is dedicated to honoring those who have served in the military and to recommit our efforts for peace. We owe this to our soldiers and nation. We want a peaceful world where everyone can live in freedom.

An editorial in the Missoulian newspaper in 1947 said we should be pursue “a brotherhood of the world and an eternal end to the horrid thing that brought those we honor today to their untimely deaths. That we can do for them; that we should do for them; that we must do for them, lest their complete sacrifice go for naught.”

Our soldiers have sacrificed to protect the nation. That dedication must be matched by the peacemaking efforts so that soldiers will not have go to battle. We must expect that sincerity for building peace from our leadership.

We should seek to end conflict and suffering anywhere around the globe. There are wars ongoing in Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and many other areas that need peaceful resolutions. There are arms races that continue to threaten humanity.

And even if you do not hold an elected office, you can still make a contribution to peace. Dwight Eisenhower, in his Farewell Address, said he would continue working towards peace even though out of office. Eisenhower said “As a private citizen, I shall never cease to do what little I can to help the world advance along that road.”

You can write a letter to Congress and support peace initiatives and building treaties. You can encourage the care of veterans returning from the trauma of battle.

When you feed the hungry by donating to charities like the World Food Program and Catholic Relief Services, you are also peacebuilding. For the conditions for peace are never founded upon starvation. Many areas of the globe suffer from extreme hunger because of war, climate change and poverty. Food gives life, hope and a chance for peace.

Veterans Day can inspire us to build peace and end wars so no family will suffer through such painful loss.

William Lambers is an author who partnered with the UN World Food Program and Catholic Relief Services on the book Ending World Hunger. His writings have been published by the USA Today, Baltimore Sun, History News Network, The Hill, Houston Chronicle and many other news outlets.

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