
Claremont Energy Advisory Committee: Volunteers needed for Electric Aggregation Committee

Claremont Energy Advisory Committee
Last year, the New Hampshire Legislature passed Senate Bill 286, now known as RSA53-E, which enables local cities, towns, and counties to aggregate retail demand for electricity. These aggregation pools can generate economies of scale and bulk purchasing power that lead to lower rates and save residential and commercial customers money on their monthly electric bill.

The city of Claremont, through its Energy Advisory Committee (EAC), is interested in pursuing this initiative and one of the first steps is to develop an Electric Aggregation Plan as described in RSA 53-E:6.

This plan will be developed by a sub-committee to the EAC in order to allow for increased citizen participation. This newly formed EAC will be comprised of five members: two from the EAC, two citizens at large, and a city councilor. The sooner all five seats are filled the sooner the committee can get to work.

The committee will be charged with developing the Electric Aggregation Plan (details of which are listed in the RSA) and also recommending goals and objectives for city council consideration. Examples of the goals include maximum savings for rate payers, energy sourced from renewable sources (and if so, what percentage), or providing a range of these options for rate payers to choose from.

Citizens interested in volunteering do not need to be experts in the field. They simply need to be willing to learn about the topic of municipal aggregation and able to attend virtual meetings. Several nearby communities are already moving forward with Municipal Aggregation so there are many local sources of information for the committee to consult with.

To volunteer to serve on this committee, please contact deforest Bearse at (603) 504-0341 at the city’s Planning & Development Office, 14 North St., Claremont, N.H.

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