HANOVER (AP) — A committee that reviewed efforts to prevent sexual misconduct and other abuses of power at Dartmouth College says work remains to make the initiative a highly visible and integral part of the college.
The Ivy League school launched its Campus Climate and Culture Initiative in early 2019 as part of a broader effort to create a campus that is diverse, welcoming, inclusive and equitable. In a report issued last week, an external advisory committee said the initiative has made progress in defining itself and has laid the groundwork for campus engagement. But the initiative largely exists as a collection of activities that are not sufficiently integrated within the campus structure, it said.
“Overall, the well-intentioned efforts by Dartmouth College to meet the stated goals of C3I are not yet bearing fruit that will be needed for sustainable impact,” the group wrote.
President Philip Hanlon said it’s clear the biggest challenge is to break down institutional silos.
“We will not rest until we achieve our aspirations for this initiative and, most importantly, for our culture at Dartmouth,” he said in a statement. “That will take time, but we will get there.”
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