
Letter to the Editor: Conservation is sensible, not political

Conservation is sensible, not political

The Department of Agriculture will open Alaska’s Tongass National Forest to “logging companies to build roads and cut and remove timber throughout more than 9.3 million acres of forest.” This forest reportedly absorbs at least 8% of all the carbon stored in the Lower 48’s forests combined. The Tongass stores more carbon per acre that almost any other forest on the planet which makes preserving it a matter of real urgency in the fight against climate change. Additionally, this is a money-losing deal for the government as “we” pick up the tab for the cost of the roads. Profit for the few at a cost to the many.

We know that climate change has a real and current effect on Claremont. Plainfield, Cornish and Hanover are already committed to “Ready or 100,” a Sierra Club program designed to get cities to sign on to the goal of 100% renewables through 100% clean, renewable electricity community-wide by 2030 and for heating and transportation by 2050.

We must commit to solving the climate emergency and fight off the science deniers. Please write to the Department of Agriculture, your congressional representatives, and your news sources. Make noise. Save the planet before it is too late.

Jim Contois

Claremont, NH

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