
New Hampshire, Vermont Arts News

Staff Report
Editor’s note: Please send visual art listings to [email protected] or [email protected].

All galleries and museums require masks and social distancing unless otherwise indicated. Virtual exhibits are not listed, but they can be found at Vermont Arts Online.

Exhibit streaming

Vermont Arts Online — www.vermontartonline.org


Bennington Museum: Closed January–March, reopens April 2; Grandma Moses, ongoing; “Bennington Modernism,” ongoing; “Gilded Age Vermont,” ongoing, wealth and prosperity come to Bennington, 75 Main St., Bennington, 802-447-1571, www.benningtonmuseum.org Hours: 1 to 8 p.m. Friday; 1 to 6 p.m. Saturday-Monday; $12, $10 for students and seniors, under 18 free.


Brattleboro Museum & Art Center: “Figuration Never Died: New York Painterly Painting, 1950-1970,” through Feb. 14, New York artists who absorbed the lessons of Abstract Expressionism yet remained dedicated to figurative painting; “Andy Yoder: Overboard,” through March 6, inspired by “The Great Shoe Spill of 1990”; “Rachel Portesi: Hair Portraits,” through Feb. 14, tintype photographs of women; “Ice Shanties: Fishing, People & Culture” through March 6, work of Colombian-born photographer and part-time Vermont resident Federico Pardo; “Erik Hoffner: Ice Visions” through March 6, photographs of ice patterns from holes bored by ice fishermen; “Our Storied Landscape: Revealing the Brattleboro Words Trail,” through Feb. 14, drawings for a map by Cynthia Parker-Houghton, Union Station, Main Street (Route 5) and routes 119 and 142, Brattleboro, 802-257-0124, www.brattleboromuseum.org Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday; admission is “pay as you wish.”

Hanover, N.H.

Hood Museum of Art: Closed, virtual programming available, Dartmouth College, 4 E. Wheelock St., Hanover, N.H., 603-646-1110, hoodmuseum.dartmouth.edu

Lebanon, N.H.

AVA Gallery: Annual Holiday Exhibition & Sale, through Dec. 31; “All Shall Be Well Again,” through Dec. 31, artwork from “The Christmas Revels” film, 1 Bank St., Lebanon, N.H., 603-448-3117, www.avagallery.org Hours: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday; free.


Southern Vermont Arts Center: “Out of the Vault,” through Feb. 21, selections from SVAC’s permanent collection; 2020 All Member Exhibition, through Jan. 3, “Yester House Study: Works by Marion Huse,” and “The Women of SVAC,” Yester House; “Unmasked: Artful Responses to the Pandemic,” Jan. 16- March 28, artists reveal their struggles, creative breakthroughs, perspectives, and personal relationships, 930 SVAC Drive, Manchester, 802-362-1405, www.svac.org Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday, noon to 4 p.m. Sunday; admission: $10, $5 for students and seniors, free for 10 and younger.


Boxing Day at Sandglass: Join the Sandglass Theater family live from their kitchen at 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 26, for a raucous performance of “Saint George and the Dragon” as only Sandglass can imagine it. (A recording will be available until 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 27.) This free live-stream event, which will be available on the Sandglass Facebook page and YouTube Channel, is excerpted from our “Almost Victorian Christmas” shows developed in the 1990s. The performance, which is appropriate for all ages, was inspired by Eric Bass’ collection of toy theater scripts and an evocative Victorian era print of a puppeteer crafting hand puppets from potatoes. “The moment of joyful chaos is for every adult that said, ‘don’t play with your food,’ and every child that did anyway,” Eric Bass said. Admission is free (but donations are appreciated); go online to sandglasstheater.org for information or to tune in.

St. Johnsbury

Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild: annual Holiday Fair, through Jan. 6, guest artisans and members show handmade wares; Robert J. Chapla, Jan. 15-Feb. 27, “Art Pilgrim,” Back Room Gallery, 430 Railroad St., St. Johnsbury, 802-748-0158, www.nekartisansguild.com Hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday.

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