By David Kittredge
By David Kittredge
Once again, our leaders in Washington are slogging through their self-made swamp of ineptitude as they grant us, the people of this great nation, the crumbs of our own cake. The bakery is sponsored by the hard-working citizens who faithfully supply the ingredients for “our cake” every spring. It’s not Congress’ cake to distribute how and where they want as in the recent case with this latest stimulus bill, that is over 5,000 pages long, containing more pork than an Iowa hog farm.
It is time for us to circle the wagons and concern ourselves with the people in this country who are suffering from the COVID-19 and the resulting lockdowns and restrictions implemented in an effort to reduce the spread. I personally do not feel that everyone should be getting stimulus payments — we can’t afford it. But single parents with children or folks who are indigent should receive monetary assistance. If Congress deems it necessary to stimulate the economy with all citizens of this country receiving payments then let the buck stop here in this country. We do not owe anyone other than our own citizens. Sorry world, we are at war with this mind-boggling disease as we don our masks of defense like the folks in the previous wars who wore gas masks for protection.
We need to take a stand against the lies we have been told, like the U.S. Surgeon General back in March who told us we didn’t need to wear medical masks. I suspect he was telling us this falsehood fearing a run on the facial coverings which were needed by the first responders and frontline health care workers when we didn’t have enough to go around. But we were still lied to.
I consider this disease to be an act of war. The world was attacked, as evidenced by the initial and ongoing coverup by the government on whatever bat-crap shenanigans that were going on. China recently stated that the novel coronavirus started in Northern Italy. That’s passing the buck — or perhaps, more accurately, the Yuan in this case.
If our legislators do pass a stimulus bill, with all the money going to U.S. citizens, the money should come from the govermnet of China. They owe us.
As far as Congress passing another emergency funding bill to keep our behemoth of a government running, a last-minute maneuver that has been going on for a decade now, it will go the same way it always has. Our recalcitrant congressional leaders will emerge from their hidey-holes, posing before the cameras to tell us that they have again saved the day, implying that we the people should be thankful for their ineptitude and their hogwash politics. To this I say, “Balderdash,” being as civil-tongued as I care to be. Those petty minded swamp dwellers need a comeuppance and a good old dose of reality.
We the people need to show these politicians that they are civil servants, here to serve us and that we are not here to serve and enrich them as they toss us crumbs like we were dumb pigeons. How do we do that? We can choose to go on strike, we need to take a stand for our rights, our liberty and our self-respect. I am herby calling for a wildcat strike, which will have to become a hashtag meme, with tens of thousands or even millions of Americans becoming involved by simply not paying our federal taxes in 2021.
I know it sounds radical, I am not or have ever been a radical, but it comes a time to stand up for what is right and to stand up for our dignity. We should no longer allow ourselves to be viewed as cattle to be prodded by the politicians with their lies or their wanton spendthrift ways which are going to drag us and the whole world into poverty. To this I say, “No more! #wildcat strike!” Now that’s what I call a stimulus bill, which might just stimulate the leaders in Washington to climb down off their high horses and to actually pull their own weight, doing the job of the people for the people.
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