
Letter to the Editor: A cruel reward for Miss New Hampshire

On May 1, Miss New Hampshire 2021 will be crowned in recognition of her leadership and achievements. But, as a reward for her accomplishments, she will receive, as past winners have, a symbol of cruelty and death – a coat made of the furs of several dead animals.

How did those animals’ coats become Miss New Hampshire’s coat?

Trappers set baited and concealed steel-jaw traps and wire snares to catch animals. Once caught animals can linger for several hours and sometimes days as they die slowly of shock, starvation and dehydration while others succumb to exposure in freezing temperatures, suffocate in neck snares, are killed by other animals, or die from the crushing injuries of the trap itself.

Some trapped animals, especially mothers desperate to return to their young often chew through their paws so they can escape.

Trappers kill the exhausted and helpless survivors by bludgeoning, stomping, drowning, shooting, electrocuting, or strangling them to death.

Not only are traps cruel, but every year dogs, cats, birds, and other animals are “accidentally” crippled and killed by traps.

The American Veterinary Association condemns steel-jaw traps and has classified them as “inhumane.” They are forbidden in 88 countries and their use is banned or restricted in several US states.

Help put an end to this cruel tradition.

Join the peaceful protest on May 1st at the Doubletree Inn at 700 Elm St. in Manchester from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Signs will be available.

Jack Hurley

Claremont, NH

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