SB 130 is concerning
All New Hampshire residents should be aware of and concerned about SB 130 (school voucher bill) not just those people who have school-aged children. It is my understanding that this bill may soon be added to the state budget by the Senate Finance Committee despite the fact that many people testified against this idea at that committee’s budget hearing earlier in May.
Wrapping a bill in the state budget is a way to avoid having to discuss the specifics of the proposed legislation. There are many reasons to be concerned about and opposed to SB 130 including the fact that Reaching Higher New Hampshire report projects that SB 130 will cost the state $69.7 million over the first three years. Also, school districts would lose $31 million over the first five years under SB 130, according to a district-by district analysis by Reaching Higher NH. Districts are already strapped for funds. This bill does not promote fair school funding. Please contact your legislators and ask them to oppose SB 130. Request that the Senate discuss the voucher bill on its own merits not as an item folded into the State Budget.
There are many other aspects of this bill, such as public funds paying for religious education, which are problematic. I urge New Hampshire residents to contact their senator and representatives and ask them to oppose this bill and make Legislators discuss the bill on its own merits
Margaret A. Campbell
West Lebanon, NH
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