
Letter to the Editor: Inclusion in community

Something happened in our town of Springfield, Vermont, last night, something very promising that provides opportunities in our community.

On Monday night, the Springfield Selectboard unanimously adopted a Declaration of Inclusion, joining more than two dozen other municipalities that have already done so. Additionally, Governor Scott’s Proclamation of Inclusion that designated the second week of May as Inclusion Week is one of many efforts to exclaim that our state is a welcoming one.

Throughout the state there are Vermonters working toward building a more inclusive community. These efforts are a continuation of the work that started with a great many Americans that we celebrate as heroes and leaders.

We often understand that inclusion is important but fall short of putting this important value into practice. The idea of inclusion is an opportunity to reflect on how we interact with others; with each other in order to thrive together. In Springfield, that means promoting a welcoming environment where everyone can feel safety, opportunity, and community.

To me, inclusion is about fitting in and making room for others to be “in” alongside you, just as they are. When you objectively read about and observe the topics and concerns that are being brought up in communities nationally, it seems more to be about the impact on the individual instead of communities as a whole.

So something happened in our town. Something good; good for Springfield, good for Vermont, and good for people that want to feel safe, welcome, and valued.

Riccardo Dorcely lives in Springfield, Vt.

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