
Springfield Elks awards honors

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. — Every year, the Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 awards honors to Elks and community members who have gone above and beyond in their fields. For 2022, Lodge 1560 has awarded three honors so far: Elk of the Year, Officer of the Year, and the Green Jacket.

This year, the Lodge has chosen Edwin “Jiggar” Barton as “Elk of the Year.” Exalted Ruler Carolee Murchie chose Barton, describing him as always being there when she or the lodge need a helping hand.

Murchie also awarded the “Officer of the Year,” laurel to Jim Morse for the 2021/2022 year. Morse has been himself been Exalted Ruler of the Lodge three times and raised thousands of dollars for the Lodge during the Covid pandemic.

Starting in 2019, the Lodge has presented the “Green Jacket” award to anyone who has gone above and beyond for the Elks. This year, the award went to Victor Baskevich. The “Green Jacket” committee consists of its former winners and, thus, Baskevich will select the winner for 2023.

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